Page 12 - DMEA Week 46 2022
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Eni and its partners made an FID in favour of train and is currently anchored in 2,000-metre-
going forward with the $10bn Coral South LNG deep water.
project in 2017, and the FID calls for using the It has a production capacity of 3.4mn tonnes
Coral Sul FLNG to liquefy 450bn cubic metres per year (tpy) and is the first floating gas lique-
of gas from Coral. faction plant ever to be deployed at a deepwater
The FLNG vessel has a single production field off the coast of Africa.
Angola says fuel sales rose 21% in Q3 2022
AFRICA ANGOLA’S Petroleum Derivatives Regulatory and a subsidiary of the Swiss commodity trader
Institute (IRDP) reported on November 11 that Trafigura), 58 by Sonangalp (a joint venture
a total of 1,271,986 tonnes of refined fuels had between Sonangol and Portugal’s Galp) and 48
been sold in the country in the third quarter of by the French major TotalEnergies, while the
2022, up by about 21% on the figure of 1,051,228 other 389 were white-label.
tonnes reported for the second quarter. IRDP further stated that Sonangol held about
According to IRDP’s data, imports accounted 65% of the country’s motor fuel market, while
for some 69% of all refined fuels sold in Angola Pumangol had 20%, Sonangalp 8% and TotalEn-
in the July-September period, or about 877,670 ergies 7%.
tonnes. The institute went on to say that some 8,982
Domestic production made up the remain- tonnes of lubricants had been sold in Angola in
ing 31% of sales, or nearly 394,316 tonnes, the third quarter of 2022, down by about 2% on
with 30%, or 381,596 tonnes, coming from the the April-June period. Imports accounted for
Luanda refinery and 1%, or 12,720, coming 7,474 tonnes, or about 83.2% of the total, while
from the Cabinda topping plant, operated by local production made up the remaining 1,508
Cabinda Gulf Oil Co. Ltd (CABGOC), a sub- tonnes, or 16.8% of the total.
sidiary of Chevron (US).
IRDP did not provide a full breakdown of
all types of petroleum products sold within
Angola in the third quarter. However, it noted
that motor fuels – that is, gasoline and diesel –
had made up the bulk of total sales, or nearly
1,151,822 tonnes. It also reported that motor
fuel sales volumes had risen by around 2% quar-
ter on quarter.
Additionally, the institute said that a total of
911 retail filling stations were in operation as of
the end of September, up by 11 from the figure
reported as of the end of the second quarter.
Of the stations listed as of the end of the third
quarter, it added, 338 were controlled by the
national oil company (NOC) Sonangol, 78 by
Pumangol (a joint venture between Sonangol The NOC dominated Angola’s domestic fuel market in September (Photo: Sonangol)
Iranian petrochemical companies move
upstream by taking on gas development
MIDDLE EAST A consortium of Iranian petrochemical compa- petrochemical company has taken this steps, the
nies has commenced the process of developing secretary general of the Iranian Petrochemical
three natural gas fields in Iran. Industry Employers Association, Ahmad Mah-
This is the first time in the history of davi Abhari, was quoted by local media agencies
the country’s hydrocarbon industry that a as saying.
P12 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 46 17•November•2022