Page 11 - DMEA Week 46 2022
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DMEA                                      REFINING & FUELS                                            DMEA

                         As such, it hopes to begin commercial deliveries   gas from the fields to produce CNG but decided
                         of LNG to both of its local industrial clients –   several years ago to shift to LNG production.
                         Consol Glass and Ceramic Industries, a unit of   It has arranged to send of its Phase One LNG
                         Italtile – before the end of this week.  production to industrial consumers and some
                           “Since the repair work was undertaken, the   production to a local subsidiary of TotalEnergies
                         system has been thoroughly tested, and the LNG   (France) for use as long-haul trucking fuel.
                         system is now operational and producing LNG,”   The plant’s Phase One production capacity
                         the statement said.                  amounts to around 350 kg per day of helium and
                           “The operations team will now focus on the   2,500 GJ (48 tonnes) per day of LNG.
                         remaining modules to allow the helium lique-  The South African company also plans to
                         faction module to be turned on,” it continued.   bring a second stage of the LNG plant on stream
                         “The helium separation and recovery module is   in 2023 or later. Phase Two will include a larg-
                         providing high levels of confidence, with recov-  er-capacity helium unit, as the Victoria fields
                         ery exceeding design parameters.”    contain unusually high volumes of the inert
                           Renergen is developing three fields near   gas. Sproule, an international energy consulting
                         Welkom, Virginia and Theunissen in Free State   firm, has estimated that these sites may hold up
                         and using their production as feedstock for its   to 9.74bn cubic metres of helium, or more than
                         LNG plant. The company had previously utilised   the total proven reserves of North America. ™

       Eni confirms export of first

       cargo from Coral Sul FLNG

          MOZAMBIQUE     ENI (Italy) confirmed on November 13 that
                         Coral South LNG had exported its first cargo of
                         natural gas from Mozambique.
                           In a statement, the Italian major, which
                         serves as the operator of Coral South LNG, said
                         the consortium had transferred the cargo from
                         the Coral Sul floating LNG (FLNG) vessel to
                         the British Sponsor, a tanker owned by Kmarin
                         and chartered by BP. The 173,400-cubic metre
                         tanker has now left the area, Eni said, without
                         specifying the vessel’s destination.
                           According to previous reports, the LNG is
                         due to be delivered to the European market.
                           For his part, Claudio Descalzi, Eni’s CEO,
                         described the beginning of gas exports from   The Coral Sul is the first deepwater FLNG installed offshore Africa (Image: Eni)
                         Mozambique as a boon for European gas
                         markets.                             in 2017, comes on stream after just five years,
                           “The first shipment of LNG from [the] Coral   in line with the initial budget and schedule,
                         South project and from Mozambique is a new   despite the disruptions caused by the [COVID-
                         and significant step forward in Eni’s strategy to   19] pandemic,” it commented. “This result was
                         leverage gas as a source that can contribute in   made possible thanks to Eni’s distinctive phased
                         a significant way to Europe’s energy security,   and parallelised approach, a very effective exe-
                         [and] also through the increasing diversification   cution planning and the strong commitment by
                         of supplies, while also supporting a just and sus-  all partners and the unwavering support of the
                         tainable transition,” he said. “We will continue   government of Mozambique.”
                         to work with our partners to ensure timely val-  The Coral South LNG consortium has a
                         orisation of Mozambique’s vast gas resources.”  licence for a section of a block known as Area 4
                           Meanwhile, Eni stressed the historic nature   offshore Mozambique in the Rovuma basin. The
                         of the shipment, which marks Mozambique’s   other shareholders in the project are Mozam-
                         entry into the ranks of LNG exporters. It also   bique Rovuma Venture (MRV), a joint venture
                         pointed out that the Coral South LNG consor-  owned by Eni, ExxonMobil (US) and China
                         tium had been able to launch gas production   National Petroleum Corp. (CNPC); Galp (Por-
                         and exports in a relatively short period.  tugal); KOGAS (South Korea) and ENH, the
                           “Coral South is a landmark project for the   national oil company (NOC) of Mozambique.
                         industry and firmly places Mozambique onto   The group’s target within Area 4 is the Coral
                         the global LNG stage. The project, sanctioned   field, which was discovered in 2012.

       Week 46   17•November•2022               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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