Page 15 - DMEA Week 46 2022
P. 15

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             DMEA

            business new europe       bne/IntelliNews

       The framework agreement between the unit of  of the deal include the Sovereign Fund of Egypt,  will be used to acquire and construct a 100-MW
       ReNew Energy Global and the Egyptian multi-  the Egyptian Electricity Transmission, the New  electrolyser facility to be powered by renewable
       national electrical company follows a Memoran-  and Renewable Energy Authority and the Suez  energy. When fully developed, the facility will
       dum of Understanding signed in July, the Indian  Canal Economic Zone.    deliver up to 15,000 tonnes per year (tpy) of
       company said in a press release.       The green hydrogen facility will produce  green hydrogen. This, in turn, will be used as an
         This project is scheduled to be implemented  800,000 tonnes per year (tpy) of green ammonia.  input for the production of green ammonia to be
       in phases. The first phase includes a pilot phase  The engineering design phase will start in Janu-  sold on the Egyptian and international markets.
       to produce 20,000 tons of green hydrogen,  ary next year, and the first phase of the project is   Egypt Green is owned, built and operated by
       along with derivatives, annually. In the second  expected to operate by 2027.  Fertiglobe, one of the largest seaborne exporters
       phase, the production of 200,000 tons per year   This project is the first of several large-scale  of combined urea and ammonia; Scatec ASA, a
       of green hydrogen, along with derivatives, will  clean energy projects that AMEA Power will  Norway-based integrated independent power
       be achieved bringing the project’s total green  develop across the MENA region, said the firm’s  producer; Orascom Construction, one of the
       hydrogen production capacity to 220,000 tons  chairman, Hussain Al Nowais. AMEA Power has  largest engineering and construction groups in
       per year.                           a clean energy pipeline of nearly 6 GW across 15  the Middle East and North Africa, and the Sov-
         Based on the framework agreement, ReNew  countries, including several large-scale wind and  ereign Fund of Egypt, a state-owned, privately
       Power will be further undertaking project  solar projects in Egypt.      managed investment fund positioning itself as
       and site studies in the coming months and is   Egypt’s long-term vision (The Integrated  the partner of choice in Egypt.
       expected to make a final investment decision  Sustainable Energy Strategy (ISES)) aims for the   This landmark project is a first step towards
       over the next 12-16 months.         country to become a hub for green hydrogen  the decarbonisation of the ammonia sector in
         Elsewedy Electric, the leading integrated  production, targeting renewable energy to cover  Egypt. It will serve as a benchmark for future
       energy solutions provider in the Middle East and  42% of the country’s energy needs by 2035. The  green hydrogen projects and showcase that
       Africa (MENA) region, will be the local co-de-  vision allows increased opportunities for invest-  hydrogen and ammonia production can be
       veloper for the project.            ment and job creation.               decarbonised in Africa’s largest ammonia-pro-
       bna/IntelliNews, November 17 2022      The North African country has been using its  ducing country, where current production is
                                           status as host country for COP27 to great benefit  natural gas-based, generating significant carbon
       UAE’s AMEA Power signs              after its own Suez Canal Economic Zone secured  emissions.
                                                                                  Ammonia production is energy-intensive
                                           nine agreements that have a cumulative value of
       deal for 10,000-MW green            $83bn.                               and responsible for around 1.8% of global car-
                                                                                bon dioxide (CO2) emissions despite being an
                                           bna/IntelliNews, November 17 2022
       hydrogen facility in Egypt                                               essential building block for nitrogen fertilisers
                                                                                and a critical crop input that provides food to
       UAE’s renewable energy producer AMEA   EBRD provides $80mn loan          40% of the world’s population. Reducing the
       Power has signed a framework agreement with   to Egypt Green to develop   amount of CO2 produced during the manu-
       the Egyptian government to build a 10,000-                               facturing process is therefore key to helping the
       MW green hydrogen project for the production   country’s first green     world achieve its net-zero targets by 2050. Using
       of green ammonia in the coastal town of Ain                              green hydrogen, produced by means of renew-
       Sokhna in Suez, according to a statement on   hydrogen facility          able energy, is seen as the critical step in getting
       Wednesday, November 16.                                                  there EBRD said in a press release. At full capac-
         Signed on the sidelines of the UN Climate  The European Bank for Reconstruction and  ity, Egypt Green’s green hydrogen production
       Summit (COP27) in Sharm El-Sheikh, the deal  Development (EBRD) is providing an $80mn  facility will save more than 130,000 tpy of CO2
       aims to allocate some of the produced ammonia  loan to Egypt Green to develop the country’s  emissions.
       from the facility for the export market. Partners  first green hydrogen facility. The loan proceeds   bna/IntelliNews, November 16 2022

       Week 46   17•November•2022               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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