Page 16 - DMEA Week 46 2022
P. 16

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

             business new africa       bna/IntelliNews

       Aramco and Pertamina

       explore ammonia value

       chain, hydrogen at B20

       Aramco, one of the world’s leading integrated
       energy and chemicals companies, and Indone-
       sia’s Pertamina (Persero) are exploring collabo-
       ration across the hydrogen and ammonia value
         The companies signed a Memorandum of
       Understanding (MoU) outlining future cooper-
       ation across this key pathway of the energy tran-
       sition, in a ceremony that took place alongside
       the B20 Summit in Bali, the official G20 dialogue
       forum with the global business community.
         G20 members and global energy companies
       have jointly committed to be part of the solution
       to the global energy crisis which is affecting mil-
       lions of people worldwide – and which forms the
       backdrop to the G20 Summit in Bali.  that aims to assess the possibility of cooperation   Terra is a 50:50 joint venture formed by INA
         The MoU was signed by the President Direc-  related to the development of a clean ammonia  and natural gas distribution company Prvo Pli-
       tor of PT Pertamina (Persero), Nicke Widyawati,  and hydrogen value chain. It includes potential  narsko Drustvo (PPD).
       and Mohammed Y. Al Qahtani, Aramco Senior  carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS)   In 2018, INA and PPD acquired the stake in
       Vice President of Downstream.       at Pertamina Group’s existing facilities and other  Petrokemija from Croatia’s privatisation agency,
         Clean ammonia and hydrogen development  agreed potential locations.    namely the Centre for Restructuring and Sales
       have significant roles in Indonesia’s 2060 net zero   The study will explore investment viability  (CERP), for a consideration of HRK300mn
       emissions roadmap and the country is expected  and jointly develop commercialization options,  ($41mn) via a capital increase. As a result, bank-
       to be a key player in green hydrogen production  including but not limited to business organ-  ruptcy at Petrokemija was avoided.
       in Asia.                            ization and commercial structures for clean   CEPR controls a 17.9% stake in Petrokemija.
         Aramco Senior Vice President of Down-  ammonia and hydrogen in Indonesia. The study  In June, it offered its stake for sale at a starting
       stream, Mohammed Y. Al Qahtani, said: ‘As a  is expected to be conducted over the next two  price of HRK305mn (€41mn). The deadline for
       company, our ambition is to achieve net-zero  years, and depending on outcomes may be  placing binding offers was July 6.
       scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions across  developed further.          A Hrvatska Postanska Banka (Zagreb/
       our wholly-owned operated assets by 2050. Our   Saudi Aramco, November 14 2022  HPB) custody account on behalf of the Fund
       work in developing new ammonia and hydro-                                for Financing the Decommissioning of the
       gen energy pathways will be pivotal in achieving                         Krsko Nuclear Power Plant holds 12.73% in
       that goal while helping to advance an affordable,  PETROCHEMICALS        Petrokemija.
       equitable and more sustainable transition for all.’                        Oil pipeline operator Janaf holds 9.09%. A
         President Director of Pertamina, Nicke   Yıldırım to acquire 55% of    PBZ Bank (Zagreb/PBZ) custody account has
       Widyawati, said: ‘The energy transition should                           5.45%. Petrokemija owns 0.08% and the remain-
       not jeopardize energy security and affordability,   Zagreb-listed Petrokemija  ing 0.23% is owned by small shareholders.
       especially for countries that are still depend-                            In February, the shareholders of Petrokem-
       ent on fossil fuels. That’s why Pertamina has   Turkey’s Yıldırım Holding has signed an  ija decide to delist the company shares from the
       developed a decarbonization program through  agreement with Croatian oil and gas company  Zagreb stock exchange.
       CCUS. Hydrogen and Ammonia are expected  INA (Zagreb/INA) to acquire Terra Mineralna   Due to high natural gas prices, Petrokemija
       to play a key role in a future climate-neutral  Gnojiva, which holds a 54.52% stake in mineral  ceased operations in 2022.
       economy, enabling emission-free power gener-  fertiliser maker Petrokemija (Zagreb/PTKM),   MOL Group (Budapest/MOL) controls a
       ation, heavy transport, heating and industrial  INA said on November 10.  49% stake in INA and the Croatian government
       processes.’                            Petrokemija is the only mineral fertiliser pro-  has 45%.
         The MoU involves a pre-feasibility study  ducer in Croatia.            bne/IntelliNews, November 15 2022

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 46   17•November•2022
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