Page 14 - DMEA Week 46 2022
P. 14

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

                       Including selections from NewsBase’s partner services


       Iran accuses its usual foes

       of fomenting a civil war

       Iran on November 17 accused arch-foe Israel
       and Western intelligence services of conspiring
       to start a civil war in the Islamic Republic.
         The country remains beset by anti-regime
       protests that broke out in mid-September and
       have entered their third month.
         “Various security services, Israel and some
       Western politicians who have made plans for
       civil war, destruction and the disintegration
       of Iran should know that Iran is not Libya or
       Sudan,” Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Ami-  engulfed the country for nearly two months.  the Shi’ite clerical ruling system.
       rabdollahian tweeted.               A Revolutionary Court in Tehran determined   The Human Rights Activists News Agency
         Tehran has accused adversaries of fomenting  that the defendant, who was not named, had set  (HRANA) said on November 14 that it was
       and stoking the nationwide unrest.  fire to a government facility and was guilty of  aware of 341 protesters who had been killed in
         The latest death toll of protesters given by  “enmity against God”.    the unrest, including 52 minors. It added that
       the Human Rights Activists News Agency   French President Emmanuel Macron, mean-  39 members of the security forces had also
       (HRANA) was 362, with 56 minors among the  while, added to pressure on the Iranian regime  been killed, while as of November 13 more than
       dead. It also said that 56 members of the security  by characterising the protests as a “revolution.”  15,820 people had been arrested in protests in
       forces had been killed, while 16,033 people have   “Something unprecedented is happening,”  140 cities and towns and 138 universities.
       been arrested. The regime denies so many people  France’s Emmanuel Macron told France Inter   Iran has accused foes including the US, Israel
       have been arrested. A handful of death sentences  radio. “The grandchildren of the [1979] rev-  and Saudi Arabia of fomenting “riots”.
       have been handed out to some of the arrested  olution are carrying out a revolution and are   In the Iranian court system, at least 20 peo-
       who have to date faced the Islamic courts.  devouring it.”               ple arrested for participating in the unrest were
         Amnesty International said Iranian author-  The EU’s new sanctions on Iran were meant  currently facing charges punishable by death,
       ities were seeking the death penalty for at least  “to send a clear message to those who think they  Norway-based Iran Human Rights said, citing
       21 people “in sham trials designed to intimidate  can suppress, intimidate and kill their own peo-  official reports. It warned that the authorities
       those participating in the popular uprising that’s  ple without consequences,” Reuters reported  might be planning “hasty executions”.
       rocked Iran since September & deter others from  German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock   Last week, judiciary chief Gholamhossein
       joining the movement”.              as telling reporters as she arrived for a meeting  Mohseni Ejei declared that “key perpetrators”
         Separately, the Pentagon on November 17  with her EU counterparts in Brussels. “They can-  of the protesters should be identified as soon as
       said it was sceptical of claims from Iran that it  not,” she added. “The world, Europe is watching.”  possible and given sentences that would deter
       has developed a hypersonic missile.    British Foreign Secretary James Cleverly  others from taking part in the protests.
         “We’ve seen the reports asserted and coming  announced that the UK had designated Iranian   He warned that “rioters” could be charged
       out of Iran, we remain sceptical of these reports,”  Communications Minister Issa Zarepour and a  with “moharebeh” (enmity against God), “efsad
       Pentagon spokesperson Sabrina Singh told a  range of local law enforcement and Islamic Rev-  fil-arz” (corruption on Earth) and “baghy”
       news conference, as reported by Reuters.  olutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) officials who  (armed rebellion). All of these offences under
       bne/IntelliNews, November 17 2022   have been involved in, and ordered, the crack-  Iranian Sharia-based law can carry the death
                                           down on the protests.                penalty.
       EU, UK slap sanctions on            Majid, chief of Iran’s Cyber Police, “were des-  bne/IntelliNews, November 14 2022
                                              Zarepour and Vahid Mohammad Naser
       Iran on same day regime             ignated for shutting down the internet in Iran,
                                           including disabling Whatsapp and Instagram,  COMPANIES
       announces first “unrest”            and banning the use of the Google Play app and   India’s ReNew Power, Egypt
                                           virtual private networks (VPNs)”, .
       death sentence                      death of Mahsa Amini death in “morality” police
                                              The protests, ignited in mid-September by the
       The European Union and UK are attempting to  custody after her detention on a Tehran street for   sign framework deal on
       strike at the heart of Iranian power structures  “inappropriate attire”, have turned into a legiti-  $8bn green hydrogen plant
       with additional sanctions slapped on Tehran  macy crisis for Iran’s clerical establishment.
       in response to its often bloody crackdown on   The European Union’s new sanctions target  ReNew Power, a subsidiary of India’s leading
       anti-regime protesters.             29 individuals and three organisations. Among  renewable energy company, in partnership
         The announcements of the EU sanctions  those sanctioned with travel bans and asset  with Elsewedy Electric has signed a framework
       and UK sanctions, on November 14, came on  freezes were Iranian Interior Minister Ahmad  agreement with Egypt to set up a green hydrogen
       the same day that a court in the Islamic Repub-  Vahidi, four members of the police squad that  plant in the Suez Canal Economic Zone with an
       lic issued the first death sentence to a person  arrested Amini and high-ranking members of  $8bn investment targeting annual production of
       arrested for taking part in the protests that have  the IRGC, the elite force charged with protecting  220,000 tons of green hydrogen.

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 46   17•November•2022
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