Page 16 - MEOG Week 33
P. 16
Pakistan feels it has an economic lifeline.
And it even has some leverage over the
economic superpower: Beijing has no interest
in jeopardizing its largest ever overseas
investment, the $62 billion China Pakistan
Economic Corridor (CPEC). Pakistan’s rulers
are more than willing to pay the cost of that
investment, in the shape of ripping the heart
out of local industries, and formalizing of
political totalitarianism.
And the all-powerful Army is fully aware
that it can replace Saudi defence cooperation
told to verbally back the Saudi-founded pushed the local Shia clergy to issue calls for with China: both would be responsible for the
so called Islamic Military Counter Terror nationwide protests two weeks ago. security required to defend the multi-billion
Coalition (IMCTC), provide diplomatic So many of Pakistan’s needs, ideological China Pakistan Economic Corridor, which
support following the killing of journalist and economic – such as the $10 billion oil runs from China through Pakistan’s Gilgit-
Jamal Khashoggi, and snub a global Muslim refinery to be built in Pakistan according to an Baltistan region, disputed territory that is part
summit in Malaysia over Saudi fears that it agreement signed last year – are still fulfilled of the Kashmir conflict claimed by both India
would rival the OIC. by Saudi Arabia. So for the Khan government and Pakistan. Beijing now sees its economic
During last year’s visit by MBS, Pakistan to make such a drastic diplomatic reshuffle, interests served by backing Pakistan’s narrative
virtually peddled itself as a Saudi client state, they would have needed cast-iron backups on on Kashmir, to ensure that the Gilgit-Baltistan
signing $20 billion worth of deals, while both fronts. Enter Turkey and China. region, gateway to the CPEC, remains firmly
allowing claims of Iran being the “world’s Turkey offers Pakistan not cash but clout, under Islamabad’s control and with free access
chief sponsor of terrorism” to echo from the promise of Erdogan’s internationally by China. And the Army, always keen to spot
Islamabad. ambitious, Islamist-focused government an opportunity to monetarily profit at the cost
A Haaretz piece around this time last year amplifying Pakistan’s status in the Muslim of the country’s interests (fanning the Kashmir
alluded to other trial balloons for further world and its critical foreign policy issues. dispute flames helps inflate the annual defence
planned reshuffles in Pakistan’s foreign policy Over the past 12 months, Pakistan has budget increments) thinks it could still turn
rulebook, not least the idea of recognizing been actively rallying for the formulation of a profit. And China may prove to be a better
Israel. a new global Muslim bloc to be spearheaded bet than Saudi Arabia on core international
At the same time, instead of siding with not by Saudi Arabia but by Turkey, a issues for Pakistan. Beijing continues to back
Islamabad against New Delhi, the OIC invited faithful supporter of Islamabad on Kashmir. Pakistan on Kashmir, and that support is more
India to attend its conference as a guest of Internationally, this has found expression in eager than ever since its border conflict with
honour. However, India’s move on Kashmir the establishment of an “anti-Islamophobia India started heating up, with military clashes
last August has pushed a rethink. channel” on the sidelines of the United just months ago.
Pakistan’s desperation on Kashmir has Nations General Assembly, and the Kuala Furthermore, China is now seeking an
been evident – especially since any explicit Lumpur summit on Muslim unity and active role in global conflicts, including Israel-
direction of cross-border jihadist ventures empowerment that Islamabad pulled out Palestine, increasingly aiming to establish
have been shackled by the threat of draconian of (under Saudi pressure) at the 11th hour. itself as the global power, while the US is
financial sanctions by the anti-terror Financial Khan has committed to attending the next retreating from the Middle East, with the
Action Task Force, leaving the military conference of the OIC rival. Trump administration ramping up its hostility
establishment hoping for a Palestine-style It’s not only in foreign policy that Turkey’s to China – over trade and COVID-19.
intifada to explode. But any revision of weight is now felt. Pakistan is experiencing an With the new cold war an indubitable
relations with Saudi Arabia has, until last explosion of Turkish pop culture, spearheaded reality, the Indo-Pakistan border, and
week, remained unthinkable. by the hit TV show Ertugrul. Not only did Kashmir, could become one of its gravest
This is especially true since Pakistan’s Imran Khan request Pakistan’s state TV to fronts. And Islamabad seems to want to join
toeing of Saudi – and US – lines on their translate and air the Turkish series which the China camp.
mutual arch-enemy Iran has remained intact, spotlights the battles and achievements of Pakistan can now align its Islamist rhetoric
as exemplified by the seizure of an Iranian the father of the founder of the Ottoman towards a new Mecca: Turkey. That is critical
ship at Karachi’s Port Qasim only last week. As Empire, he has recommended the show so for domestic consumption, and for the
recently as last week, Imran Khan was talking that Pakistanis can learn about “our history sustained production of jihadists, a key tool of
up his efforts to mediate between Saudi and heroes.” its security and foreign policies.
and Iran, which in the glossary of Pakistani The Turkification of Pakistan even entered In China, Islamabad has a fiscal and
diplomatic euphemisms means implementing the realm of national identity, pseudo-science geopolitical behemoth, eager to spearhead
Riyadh’s instructions. and mythology: for decades, Pakistanis have political resolutions in both Afghanistan and
And Pakistan has gone even further been taught, somewhat bizarrely, that they Kashmir – the latter not just being another
domestically to signal its affiliation with the have Arab ancestry. Now, in place of that front to take on India, but also part of the
Saudi Sunni side: it just passed a blatantly imaginary genealogy, there are now clear disputed territory on which the China-
sectarian anti-Shia “Protection of Islam” bill, efforts to fabricate a Turkish lineage for Pakistan Economic Corridor is literally being
condemning non-Sunni Islam, despite 20 per Pakistan’s people. built. Just as long as Imran Khan doesn’t
cent of Pakistan’s Muslim population, and In China, where Islamabad has been mention the Uighurs.
many of its founding fathers, being Shia. That increasingly putting all its proverbial eggs, This potential China-Pakistan-Turkey
P16 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 33 19•August•2020