Page 19 - NorthAmOil Week 40
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NorthAmOil NEWS IN BRIEF NorthAmOil
TORC Oil & Gas announces
inaugural 2020
sustainability report
TORC Oil & Gas is pleased to announce
the completion of the company’s inaugural
sustainability report, highlighting the
company’s efforts and commitments
to responsibly develop the company’s
natural resources. The sustainability report associated with the release. represents a natural extension of Hartree
exemplifies TORC’s core values of integrity Initial reports indicate that about 20 cubic expertise in investing in essential midstream
and respect for the environment and the metres of oil was released and contained on infrastructure assets that are complementary
health, safety, and well-being of employees company property. It is estimated that about to our core trading competencies. Hartree
and the communities in which the company 75 litres of oil was released offsite onto a looks forward to working with the terminals
operates. Environmental, social and pasture, where no livestock were present. existing and future third-party customers,
governance (ESG) matters are integral to the A CER inspection officer is being deployed ensuring best-in-class service.”
company’s strategy of achieving long term to oversee the company’s response and Wells Fargo Securities served as exclusive
success and sustainability. monitor compliance. financial advisor to Third Coast Midstream,
Brett Herman, president and CEO The CER’s top priority is protecting people while Sidley Austin served as Third Coast
of TORC, stated: “Since day one, we and the environment. Enbridge will be held Midstream’s counsel. Vinson & Elkins
have focused on the responsibility to accountable to ensure the site is cleaned up served as Hartree’s counsel. The terms of the
produce energy commodities in a safe and that their response meets with the CER’s transaction are not being disclosed.
and environmentally mindful manner. strict safety and environmental standards. THIRD COAST MIDSTREAM, October 01, 2020
Since TORC was founded, we have made Further updates will be provided as
significant contributions to the communities available.
where we operate and we take pride in these CANADA ENERGY REGULATOR, October 03, SERVICES
achievements. Our commitment to safety, 2020
operational excellence and discipline has Breakwater Energy
inspired a corporate culture whereby all of us Third Coast Midstream
give our best each and every day”. Partners constructs largest
TORC OIL & GAS, October 01, 2020 announces sale of its
cushing crude oil storage produced water recycling
MIDSTREAM facility in the Permian Basin
Canada Energy Regulator business to HCS Holdings Breakwater Energy Partners, is pleased to
announce that it has constructed the largest
Third Coast Midstream today announced
responds to crude oil that a subsidiary has completed the sale of produced water recycling facility in the
its Cushing, OK crude oil storage business
Permian Basin. The 80-acre facility, known as
release at Enbridge’s (AMID Crude Oil Storage) to HCS Holdings, the Big Spring Recycling System (BSRS), has
a throughput capacity of over 250,000 barrels
an affiliate of Hartree Partners. AMID Crude
Express Line pump station, Oil Storage consists of five crude oil storage per day of recycled produced water. Located
between Howard and Martin counties, BSRS
tanks with approximately 3.0mn barrels of
near Youngstown, Alberta storage capacity. brings several commercial operators together
“Third Coast Midstream is pleased to
into a central nexus point and concurrently
The Canada Energy Regulator (CER) has been announce the sale of AMID Crude Oil Storage serves them with frack water blends of up to
notified of an above ground crude oil release to Hartree,” stated Matt Rowland, President 100% recycled water. The facility also owns or
that occurred on October 2, 2020, at a pump and Chief Executive Officer of Third Coast has access to disposal capacity over 100,000
station near Youngstown, Alberta. The release Midstream. “We are confident that Hartree barrels per day.
occurred on the Enbridge Express Pipeline. is well-positioned to further optimize these “Operators tell us all the time that they
The line has been shut down. Enbridge storage assets as Third Coast Midstream want to recycle 100% of their wastewater. But
has reported that the spill is largely contained continues to execute on its plans to divest they either lack the ability to aggregate enough
to company property and that there is no risk non-core assets and focus on its core Gulf of recycled water when they need it, or they are
to human safety. Clean-up is underway and Mexico midstream business.” unable to distribute their water to others when
is expected to continue over the weekend. “We are delighted to have acquired from they have too much,” said Jason Jennaro, chief
No water bodies or wildlife are reported Third Coast Midstream the Cushing crude executive officer of Breakwater. “We call our
to have been impacted by the release. The oil storage business,” stated Steve Semlitz, co- approach collaborative recycling. We’re saving
company is reporting no fires and no injuries founder of Hartree Partners. “The transaction our customers money by integrating their
Week 40 08•October•2020 www. NEWSBASE .com P19