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NorthAmOil NEWS IN BRIEF NorthAmOil
entire water supply chains into a single multi- portfolio with Cat’s engines and transmissions over-the-road vehicles and forklifts, offers
customer connection point which includes enables us to create additional value for extremely low carbon emissions and is made
last mile recycled water distribution to the customers,” said Joe Creed, Vice President of using renewable resources; including certain
wellsite. Collaborative recycling is the right Caterpillar’s Oil & Gas and Marine Division. biomass feedstocks.
thing for customers from an ESG perspective, “This acquisition will expand our offerings to Renewable propane possesses lower carbon
but it’s also the right thing economically. one of the broadest product lines in the well intensity than traditional propane, with no
Operators don’t want to pay twice for the same service industry.” change in performance and handling. When
water: once for completions and a second time The purchase price of $405 million is to compared to gasoline and diesel, propane and
for disposal.” be paid in cash at closing. The acquisition renewable propane can significantly reduce
BSRS also provides customers with requires approval by Weir shareholders and the harmful contributors to greenhouse gases.
significant operational flexibility. The facility is subject to review by various regulatory This arrangement with U-Haul is aligned with
integrates hundreds of thousands of barrels authorities as well as customary closing Suburban Propane’s “Go Green with Suburban
of produced water into a nexus point which conditions. The transaction includes more Propane” initiative, which focuses on the
then provides the option to recycle, store, or than 40 Weir Oil & Gas manufacturing and company’s commitment to advocating for
dispose of water. BSRS has recycled almost 5 services locations and approximately 2,000 the clean burning attributes of propane in the
million barrels of produced water in the 3rd employees. transition to a sustainable energy future and
quarter alone. It has 1.5 million barrels of “We are pleased to have reached this to investing in innovative solutions to pave the
commercially permitted treated water storage agreement. Caterpillar is a great new home way to zero-carbon emissions.
capacity and has generated almost 10 million for Weir Oil & Gas, its world-class people, “We are very excited to align with U-Haul
data points within its proprietary cloud- products and services,” said Jon Stanton, Weir to supply renewable propane in support of our
based water balancing and data management Group CEO. “It will enable Weir Oil & Gas collective efforts to lower carbon emissions
system. to continue to flourish, ensuring the business in the state of California. This arrangement,
“What makes this facility different is not remains at the forefront of innovation and along with our recent investment in Oberon
just its size and scale, but rather its business customer service in the future.” Fuels, are part of our continued commitment
model. Breakwater has adopted a ‘recycle first’ CATERPILLAR, October 05, 2020 to developing innovative solutions to reduce
water midstream model at a time when most the nation’s carbon footprint, particularly at
of the industry’s water is still discarded into a time when so many states have established
saltwater disposals,” said Jennaro. ENERGY TRANSITION aggressive carbon reduction targets over the
BREAKWATER ENERGY PARTNERS, October 05, next few decades,” said Nandini Sankara,
2020 Going Green: Suburban Spokesperson, Suburban Propane.
“The introduction of renewable propane
Caterpillar signs agreement Propane Partners is a welcome next step in the transportation-
energy industry,” said John Barnett, U-Haul
to acquire Weir Oil & Gas collaborates with U-Haul to propane program manager. “U-Haul
continues to be a leader in pursuing
Caterpillar has signed an agreement to acquire offer renewable propane in sustainable solutions, and by partnering with
the oil and gas division of the Weir Group, a Suburban Propane, we’re able to serve a large
Scotland-based global engineering business. California portion of California’s propane users with this
Headquartered near Fort Worth, Texas, Weir green initiative.”
Oil & Gas produces a full line of pumps, flow Suburban Propane Partners, a nationwide “Carbon-neutral fuels are in demand,”
iron, consumable parts, wellhead and pressure distributor of propane, fuel oil and related Barnett added. “It’s all about sustainability. As
control products that are serviced via an products and services, as well as a marketer California works toward zero net emissions,
extensive global network of service centres of natural gas and electricity is pleased to this is an initiative that residents can feel good
located near customer operations. announce an agreement with U-Haul® to about in the growing Autogas sector.”
“Combining Weir Oil & Gas’s established provide eco-friendly, renewable propane in SUBURBAN PROPANE PARTNERS, October 07,
pressure pumping and pressure control California. Renewable propane, used to power 2020
P20 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 40 08•October•2020