Page 8 - NorthAmOil Week 40
P. 8

NorthAmOil                                          NRG                                           NorthAmOil

                           This move raises questions about Petro-
                         bras’ plans for the facility, as Golar had been
                         the only company to submit a binding offer
                         for the lease contract. The NOC has revealed
                         that Compass Gas e Energia, a local firm,
                         declined to bid, and BP Energy do Brasil, a
                         subsidiary of BP (UK), has asked for more
                         time to finalise its offer.
                           In other news, Brazilian officials are
                         reported to be in talks with Argentina on a gas
                         import deal. The two sides are discussing pro-
                         posals for the construction of a $1.2bn pipe-
                         line that would pump gas from unconventional
                         fields in Argentina’s Vaca Muerta formation to
                         southern Brazil.
                           Elsewhere in South America, ExxonMobil is
                         pushing forward with work at the Stabroek block
                         offshore Guyana. The US super-major said last
                         week that it had taken a final investment decision
                         (FID) in favour of developing the Payara section  Deals close in US
                         of the block after securing the Guyanese govern-  Some major oil and gas deals have been com-
                         ment’s approval for its plans, which carry a price  pleted in the US in recent days. Most notably,
                         tag of $9bn.                         this week Chevron announced that it had closed
                                                              its $13bn acquisition of Noble Energy after more
                         If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping   than 90% of the latter’s shareholders approved
                         the Latin American oil and gas sector then please click   the transaction. (See: Deals close as US industry
                         here for NewsBase’s LatAmOil Monitor .  consolidation gains momentum, page 9)
                                                                The acquisition gives Chevron a number
                         Middle Eastern political and production  of domestic and international assets that the
                         deals come to the fore               super-major has described as being comple-
                         As production numbers were announced for  mentary to its existing operations. Domestically,
                         September, compliance with the cartel’s out-  this includes shale acreage in the Permian Basin,
                         put cut deal came into sharp focus. This has  Denver-Julesburg (DJ) Basin and the Eagle Ford
                         broadly improved, with surprising laggard  shale. Internationally, Noble’s most attractive
                         the UAE catching up by making swingeing  assets are located in the Eastern Mediterranean,
                         reductions to production during the month.  offshore Israel and Cyprus, as well as off Equato-
                         However, there is little sign of compliance  rial Guinea in West Africa.
                         from Iraq, which saw another output increase,   Another notable deal that closed over the past
                         despite repeated promises to make compen-  week involved the sale of Barnett shale gas assets
                         satory cuts.                         belonging to Devon Energy to Banpu Kalnin
                           Iran, Libya and Venezuela all also recorded  Ventures (BKV). Devon announced on October
                         production upticks, with the Islamic Republic  1 that the transaction had been completed. The
                         registering an additional 120,000 barrels per  US company received a cash payment of $320mn
                         day, while exports doubled to 1.5mn bpd. Mean-  from BKV upon closing of the deal, after adjust-
                         while, cartel kingpin Saudi Arabia also registered  ing for a $170mn deposit that was paid in April
                         a significant increase in exports as it reduced its  and purchase price adjustments.
                         official selling prices (OSPs) to Asia.  Under the sale agreement, Devon stands to
                           Following the US’ brokering of a peace deal  receive further contingent cash payments of up to
                         between the UAE and Israel, the three parties  $260mn, depending on future commodity prices.
                         this week agreed to co-operate on energy-related  The company said upside participation would
                         matters. The deal was as wide-reaching as it was  begin at either a Henry Hub gas price of $2.75 per
                         vague, but will be played as a major foreign pol-  million British thermal units ($76.07 per 1,000
                         icy win by the White House in the run-up to the  cubic metres) or a West Texas Intermediate (WTI)
                         November presidential election.      oil price of $50 per barrel, starting in 2021.
                           Washington was not done in the region,   The announcement that the Barnett shale
                         though, and will play a mediatory role in the  deal had closed came within days of Devon’s
                         coming to the table of Israel and Lebanon as they  announcement that it was merging with another
                         seek to resolve a lengthy dispute about their mar-  shale company, WPX Energy. The latter has core
                         itime border. An agreement could lead to explo-  positions in the Permian and Williston basins
                         ration in Lebanon’s Block 9 by a consortium led  and this, combined with the Barnett sale, illus-
                         by Total.                            trates Devon’s shift towards more oil-rich assets.
                                                                The merger is being touted as providing a
                         If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping   roadmap for future consolidation in the shale
                         the Middle East’s oil and gas sector then please click   industry, involving stock rather than cash, and
                         here for NewsBase’s MEOG Monitor .   little to no premium.™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 40   08•October•2020
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