Page 9 - NorthAmOil Week 40
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NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Deals close as US industry

       consolidation gains momentum

       The closing of Chevron’s acquisition of Noble Energy comes as M&A activity in the

       US energy industry appears to be picking up

        US               THE closing this week of the US’ largest energy  the way forward for energy industry M&As, at
                         industry transaction this year – between Chev-  least in the shorter term.
       WHAT:             ron and Noble Energy – comes amid signs that   “In the current era of ‘resource abundance’,
       Consolidation appears to   mergers and acquisitions (M&As) are picking  returns-based metrics underpin stock perfor-
       be on the rise in the US   up among oil and gas companies. Chevron  mance,” investment bank Morgan Stanley said in
       energy industry.  announced on October 5 that it had closed its  a note this week. “However, much of the indus-
                         acquisition of Noble – an all-stock deal that  try remains overly fragmented, with too much
       WHY:              is valued at around $13bn in total, including  overhead relative to the ‘call on shale’. As a result,
       Producers are seeking to   Noble’s debt of $8bn that the super-major has  M&A has picked up again and, largely for the
       achieve higher returns,   taken on.                    first time in recent memory, been rewarded by
       rather than growth,   The transaction appears to form part of an  the market,” it continued.
       through mergers and   uptick in oil and gas M&A activity in the US after   “This has been most pronounced in the
       acquisitions.     a quiet start to the year. Indeed, only last week the  [exploration and production] sector, where
                         second-largest deal of the third quarter of 2020 –  transactions have taken a different form – low-
       WHAT NEXT:        Devon Energy’s merger with WPX Energy – was  to no-premium, all-stock mergers and bolt-ons,”
       More consolidation can   announced.                    Morgan Stanley said. “Unlike prior transactions,
       be expected in both the   However, the drivers behind these deals  deal logic de-emphasises growth and focuses
       US and Canada.    appear to be different from the forces behind  on high grading portfolios while reducing cost
                         M&As in previous years. Whereas produc-  structures, providing both parties transaction
                         ers were previously pursuing growth, includ-  upside from the benefits of scale.”
                         ing through acquisitions, the focus now is on   Chevron’s deal is notable, because unlike
                         improving returns and cost structures. And  some of the other major transactions that
                         while this was what was holding back M&A  have been announced recently, it is not solely
                         activity earlier this year, it increasingly looks like  shale-focused, but included attractive interna-
                         companies are figuring out how to fit acquisi-  tional assets. Indeed, the assets that are thought
                         tions into their current strategy.   to have been Noble’s chief attraction are its gas
                                                              properties in the Eastern Mediterranean, off-
                         Changes                              shore Israel and Cyprus. However, Chevron has
                         Recent transactions – as illustrated by Chevron,  also talked up the complementary nature of the
                         Devon and others – have tended to be all stock,  domestic shale assets that it has taken ownership
                         at little to no premium. And analysts seem to be  of through the deal, including properties in the
                         increasingly in agreement that this is going to be  Permian and Denver-Julesburg (DJ) basins.

                                                                                                  The majority of
                                                                                                  the biggest deals
                                                                                                  struck recently are

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