Page 4 - MEOG Week 40 2022
P. 4

MEOG                                          COMMENTARY                                               MEOG

       OPEC+ makes 2mn bpd

       cut, angering the US

       Months of badgering by Western leaders counted for nought this

       week as OPEC+ announced a 2mn bpd quota reduction that

       serves to bolster prices and cover up issues raising production.

        OPEC+            THE OPEC+ group of oil producers made the  – have stuck by each other, appearing to have
                         decision to cut combined output by 2mn barrels  learnt from the folly of their short-lived price
                         per day (bpd) when they met in person this week  war that coincided with the start of the pan-
       WHAT:             for the first time since the coronavirus (COVID-  demic, and members said that the reductions
       The reduction will lead to   19) pandemic began.       were required “in light of the uncertainty that
       an effective output drop   It comes despite fears about the state of the  surrounds the global economic and oil market
       of around 1mn bpd.  global economy and follows a lengthy period  outlooks.”
                         during which Middle Eastern oil producers in   With sanctions constraining the market
       WHY:              particular have been urged to increase output as  for Russian crude as its ‘military operation’
       Price volatility,   they near theoretical output highs.  in Ukraine continues and Moscow moves to
       concerns about future   The reduction was the group’s second in as  annexe four south-eastern regions of its neigh-
       upward production   many months, with September’s decision wiping  bour, Riyadh has refrained from criticism, per-
       and dedication to the   out the 100,000 bpd added to output in August.  haps with an eye on the stability of oil relations
       long-standing deal are   Over the previous 18 months OPEC+ had  and another on its own long-running military
       all thought to have been   been working to return around 10mn bpd of  campaign in Yemen.
       factors in the decision.  supplies taken off the market to stem the massive   Russia was reported to be keen to cut out-
                         losses experienced by oil exporting nations when  put by 1mn bpd, while Saudi Arabia had been
       WHAT NEXT:        crude prices plummeted in Q2 2020.   rumoured to be considering an additional, uni-
       The US has called out   The slow build-back ensured that prices rose  lateral cut in the region of 500,000 bpd.
       the move, threatening   steadily, but renewed volatility amid conflict and   The two countries account for more half of
       action to reduce OPEC’s   concerns about demand has necessitated action  the OPEC+ group’s 43.86mn bpd production
       influence on the market.  in the opposite direction as many market com-  quota for October at 11mn bpd each, but while
                         mentators opine that the group now views $90  Saudi Arabia has been able to produce around
                         per barrel as a non-negotiable price floor, though  this level of late, Russian output has fallen as
                         the Saudi government has vehemently denied  sanctions bite.
                         any desire to control prices.          With both countries’ quotas now falling to
                                                              10.478mn bpd, there will be less pressure on
                         Criticism and collaboration          Saudi Arabia to maintain production at lev-
                         The cut drew immediate criticism from major  els nearing all-time highs as prices sit in what
                         consuming nations, led by the US, whose Pres-  Riyadh likely sees as a ‘middle ground’. Other
                         ident Joe Biden lobbied hard earlier in the year  producers that have been ‘maxing out’, most
                         to encourage OPEC+ members to raise output.  notably Kuwait, will also welcome the respite
                           The White House published a statement by  given issues in raising output.
                         National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan and
                         National Economic Council Director Brian  Cuts
                         Deese, which said Biden had been “disappointed  While OPEC+ will reduce their collective quota
                         by the short-sighted decision by OPEC+ to cut  by the headline 2mn bpd, underproduction
                         production quotas while the global economy is  among members will see output fall by around
                         dealing with the continued negative impact of  1-1.1mn bpd, according to Saudi Arabian
                         Putin’s invasion of Ukraine”.        Energy Minister Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman
                           The true source of this disappointment is  Al-Saud.
                         likely to be the upward pressure it will have on   The group fell around 3.6mn bpd short of
                         fuel prices just over a month before Biden faces a  its 43.856mn bpd quota with Iranian, Russian
                         challenging midterm election.        and Venezuelan sales remaining constrained by
                           However, despite widespread pressure, the  sanctions and Angola and Nigeria dealing with
                         group’s top producers – Saudi Arabia and Russia  production issues.

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 40   05•October•2022
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