Page 16 - GLNG Week 09 2022
P. 16

GLNG                          NEWSBASE’S ROUNDUP GLOBAL (NRG)                                          GLNG

       NewsBase’s Roundup Global (NRG)

        NRG              WELCOME to NewsBase’s Roundup Global  FSUOGM: TotalEnergies to remain in Rus-
                         (NRG), in which the reader is invited to join  sia despite Ukrainian invasion
                         our team of international editors, who provide a  French oil major TotalEnergies has said it
                         snapshot of some of the key issues affecting their  intends to stay put in Russia despite Moscow’s
                         regional beats. We hope you will like NRG’s new  invasion of Ukraine, although it has said it will
                         concise format, but by clicking on the headline link  not invest in any new projects in the country.
                         for each section the full text will be available as  TotalEnergies has shown greater restraint in its
                         before.                              response to events in Ukraine than its Euro-
                                                              pean peers BP, Equinor and Shell, which have
                         AfrOil: Venus-1x may be sub-Saharan Afri-  all said they intend to exit Russia’s oil and gas
                         ca’s largest oil find                industry altogether.
                         UK-based Wood Mackenzie, a prominent
                         energy consultancy, has speculated that the  GLNG: Shell, PipeChina sign terminal use
                         Venus discovery announced last week by  agreement
                         TotalEnergies (France) at the PEL 56 licence  Subsidiaries of Shell and China Oil & Gas Pipe-
                         area offshore Namibia may be the largest oil  line Network – known as PipeChina – have
                         find ever made in sub-Saharan Africa. In a  signed a memorandum of co-operation (MoC)
                         confidential report, the consultancy said that  and two terminal use agreements. The termi-
                         in light of results from the Venus-1x wildcat  nal user agreements with Shell Energy (China)
                         well, it now “conservatively estimates recover-  are for two LNG receiving facilities – Yuedong
                         able oil volumes of over 3bn barrels,” the report  LNG and Beihai LNG – for this year.
                                                              LatAmOil: IEASA gets green light for Vaca
                         AsianOil: JERA to pursue LNG-to-power in  Muerta gas line
                         Vietnam                              Argentina’s government has authorised state-
                         Japan’s JERA announced on March 1 that it had  owned Integración Energética SA (IEASA)
                         kicked off full-scale operations in Vietnam.  to build a new pipeline that will serve uncon-
                         The company – a 50:50 joint venture between  ventional gas fields in the Vaca Muerta shale
                         utilities Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO)  formation. Buenos Aires gave IEASA a green
                         and Chubu Electric Power – intends to pursue  light for the project last week, when it issued a
                         LNG-to-power projects through its new Viet-  decree granting the company a concession for
                         namese unit.                         the project.

                         DMEA: Asset sales and petchem plans  MEOG: Aramco makes gas finds
                         This week’s DMEA includes coverage of Bah-  This week’s MEOG covers the discovery of new
                         rain’s steps towards monetising its oil and gas  gas fields in Saudi Arabia and a potential con-
                         infrastructure and efforts by Iran to increase  cession deal in Oman. Saudi Arabia announced
                         feedstock for petrochemical production. Bah-  over the weekend that state oil firm Saudi Ara-
                         rain’s Oil & Gas Holding Co. (nogaholding) is  mco has discovered new gas fields in four regions
                         hiring a team of advisors to work on plans to  of the Kingdom, boosting the size of its conven-
                         monetise oil and gas assets, according to the  tional and unconventional gas reserves. Mean-
                         company’s CEO. Meanwhile, Iran’s state petro-  while, Oman’s Ministry of Energy and Mineral
                         chemical firm said this week that it intends to  Resources (MoEM) is holding talks with Shell
                         more than double the country’s supply of feed-  and TotalEnergies regarding a potential deal to
                         stock for petrochemical projects by the end of  develop gas from the Sultanate’s Block 11 conces-
                         the decade.                          sion, expanding a December agreement.

                         EurOil: Nord Stream 2 becomes insolvent  NorthAmOil: IEA members to release
                         The Swiss-based operator of Russia’s beleaguered  60mn barrels amid Ukraine conflict
                         Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project has become  International Energy Agency (IEA) members
                         insolvent, a Swiss official told local radio on  led by the US agreed on March 1 to a co-or-
                         March 1. The US slapped Nord Stream 2 with  dinated release of crude oil from emergency
                         additional sanctions last week in response to  stockpiles. The decision comes in the wake
                         Russia’s recognition of eastern Ukraine’s break-  of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine last week, and
                         away regions of Donetsk and Lugansk as inde-  will result in 60mn barrels of oil being released
                         pendent, while German Chancellor Olaf Scholz  onto the market.
                         announced that his government would halt the
                         certification process necessary for the pipeline to  See the archive and sign up to receive NRG Editor’s
                         start up.                            Picks for free by email each week here.™

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 09   04•March•2022
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