Page 10 - MEOG Week 02 2021
P. 10

MEOG                                   PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                            MEOG

       Iran finally closing in on Azar completion

        IRAN             IRAN will soon inaugurate the first development  wells and the laying of 129 km of pipelines.
                         phase of the Azar oilfield despite production   Production is transported by pipeline to pro-
                         having begun in 2017.                cessing facilities at Dehloran oilfield.
                           Last week, Oil Industries Engineering and   Azar is located in the onshore Anaran block,
                         Construction Co. (OIEC) director Gholam-  which covers 3,500 square km. It was discov-
                         reza Manouchehri said: “Considering the 97%  ered in April 2000 following the block’s award
                         progress of the first phase of this joint field’s  to Norsk Hydro in the 1998 licensing round. It
                         development project, it will be ready for official  holds an estimated 2.5bn barrels of oil in place
                         inauguration soon.”                  (OIP), with combined recoverable oil and gas
                           These comments suggest that no progress  reserves estimated at 425-475mn barrels.
                         has been made since October, when Petroleum   Azar’s crude has an API gravity of 33, but its
                         Engineering and Development Co.’s (PEDEC)  high sulphur content necessitates the use of spe-
                         manager for Azar first said 97% completion had  cialised technology and machinery made from
                         been achieved.                       advanced alloys.
                           At the time, Keyvan Yarahmadi told the local   Following the discovery of oil at Azar and
                         ILNA media outlet that cumulative output from  the nearby Changuleh field, Norsk Hydro was
                         Azar had reached more than 30mn barrels,  joined by Russia’s Lukoil in developing the site.
                         adding that completion would follow shortly, at  Lukoil pulled out of its 25% stake in the entire
                         which point the asset will be fully operational.  Anaran block in 2008/9 after various sanctions
                           Meanwhile, OIEC’s Manouchehri said that  by the US and EU countries were imposed, fol-
                         to date, total investment in Azar had reached  lowed by the Norwegian company’s withdrawal
                         $1.72bn from the National Iranian Oil Co.  from its 75% stake in 2011, after the sanctions
                         (NIOC) and a consortium of OIEC and Ahdaf  were intensified.
                         Finance Co. since they took control of the asset in   Following the announcement of the Joint
                         September 2011. PEDEC oversees the develop-  Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) in 2015,
                         ment of the field on behalf of the project partners.  various IOCs signed memoranda of understand-
                           Production began at 15,000 barrels per day in  ing (MoUs) for fields in the Anaran block, either
                         February 2017. In 2019, output averaged 31,000  for single or multiple fields, including Norway’s
                         bpd, with the completion of phase one expected  DNO, Thailand’s PTTEP and Russia’s Gaz-
                         to raise production to 65,000 bpd. This early pro-  prom Neft and Lukoil. However, these were all
                         duction phase has included the drilling of nine  scrapped when the US backed out of the deal.™


       Qatar hires McDermott for LNG FEED work

        QATAR            QATARGAS has handed a front-end engineer-  (NFE) project, which will ramp up the coun-
                         ing design (FEED) contract to McDermott Inter-  try’s liquefaction capacity from 77mn to 110mn
                         national for the North Field South (NFS) project,  tonnes per year (tpy). This first expansion stage is
                         which represents the second stage in Qatar’s plan  expected to begin flowing gas by 2025.
                         to expand its LNG production capacity over the   NFS will raise output further to 126mn tpy
                         next decade.                         by the late 2020s. The contract with McDermott
                           The contract covers the replication of five off-  marks the first major award by Qatar for this
                         shore wellhead platforms, McDermott said on  stage. The US company did not disclose its value.
                         January 6, noting that work at its office in Doha   For NFE, Qatar Petroleum hired Air Products
                         would begin immediately.             last August to supply gas liquefaction technology
                           “For more than 30 years, McDermott has  and equipment, and Baker Hughes two months
                         executed projects in Qatar’s North Field, and we  later for multiple refrigerant compressors. Last
                         will leverage our experience and local resources  year it also reserved LNG shipbuilding capacity
                         to successfully deliver this project,” McDermott  with three South Korean shipbuilders in an order
                         said.                                worth $19bn, to build a fleet to deliver its extra
                           “As oil and gas field development continues in  production to markets.
                         the region, we are poised to build on this initial   As oil and gas producers face increasing scru-
                         work to further support Qatargas as they pro-  tiny over emissions from their operations, Qatar
                         gress the subsequent phases of the NFS project.”  aims to capture and store some 7mn tpy of CO2
                           Qatar Petroleum started development drill-  from its LNG facilities by 2027, its energy minis-
                         ing in March last year at the North Field East  ter, Saad Sherida Al-Kaabi, said in December.™

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