Page 16 - FSUOGM Week 30
P. 16

FSUOGM                                            POLICY                                            FSUOGM

       Independent Russian fuel retailers irked

       by sky-high wholesale prices

        RUSSIA           THE Russian Fuel Union (RFU), an association  introduced last year. This mechanism requires
                         for independent fuel retailers, has filed a com-  fuel suppliers to pay extra into the budget when
      The tax mechanism has   plaint with antitrust regulators about the high  domestic oil products are higher than export net-
      meanwhile kept pump   wholesale costs of gasoline and diesel.  backs, but allows them to collect a subsidy when
      prices low.          Wholesale fuel prices have reached record  the situation is the other way around.
                         highs over the recent months, following a fast-  If independent retailers do jack up prices,
                         er-than-anticipated recovery in fuel demand  they make their fuel uncompetitive, Arkusha
                         after coronavirus COVID-19 restrictions were  explained.
                         eased. But pump prices have remained stub-  Fuel prices on the St Petersburg Mercantile
                         bornly flat over the same period, because of a  Stock Exchange (SPIMEX) set new records
                         tax mechanism put in place to prevent sudden  almost every day in July, with the cost of AI-95
                         spikes in costs to motorists.        gasoline reaching RUB60,000 ($837) per
                           The situation has become critical, RFU head  tonne. The cost of AI-92 gasoline surged to
                         Yevgeny Arkusha wrote in a letter to the head of the  RUB51,000.
                         Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS), Igor Arte-  Retail prices have also risen but their growth
                         myev. Wholesale prices for gasoline have reached  has been below the rate of inflation.
                         parity with pump prices, and in some regions have   FAS and the Russian energy ministry ear-
                         even exceeded them, he said. This puts independ-  lier sought to halt the advance in wholesale fuel
                         ent retailers in a very difficult spot, unable to cover  prices by ordering suppliers to sell more of their
                         their operating costs, let alone taxes.  fuel on the open market. Instead of selling 10% of
                           While independent retailers are free to raise  their gasoline and 6% of their diesel, refiners will
                         their pump prices, integrated oil companies such  now have to sell 11% and 7.5% respectively. The
                         as Lukoil, Rosneft and Gazprom Neft are unable to  quotas will also apply to all refiners rather than
                         do so, owing to the so-called damper mechanism  just the major ones. ™
                                             PROJECTS & COMPANIES

      Gazprom Neft, Rosneft come up with

      "unique" APG solution in Arctic

        RUSSIA           RUSSIAN oil firms Gazprom Neft and Rosneft   East-Messoyakhskoye’s gas is used to generate
                         have developed a “unique” solution for utilising  heat and power at the site, Gazprom Neft and
       APG produced at the   associated petroleum gas (APG) in the Russian  Rosneft have had to store most of it to reach the
       East-Messoyakhskoye   Arctic, Gazprom Neft said on July 27.  95% target. The pair began work on the storage
       field will be stored   The pair’s joint venture has begun storing  facilities two years ago.
       at the nearby West-  APG produced at the East-Messoyakhskoye   In a statement, Gazprom Neft’s deputy CEO
       Messoyakhskoye    field in Western Siberia’s Yamalo-Nenets region  for exploration and production, Vadim Yakov-
       deposit.          at the nearby undeveloped West-Messoyakh-  lev, noted that the storage project was the first of
                         skoye field, for future use. The gas is run through  its kind in Russia. He said the company, which
                         a 1.5bn cubic metre per year compressor station  has traditionally prioritised oil, wanted to build
                         and then pumped via a 47-km pipeline. The pro-  up its gas operations as well. Its main focus is gas
                         ject also consists of nine wells for injecting associ-  at Arctic projects. Yakovlev estimated that the
                         ated gas into West-Messoyakhskoye’s reservoirs.  share of gas in Gazprom Neft’s overall hydrocar-
                           East-Messoyakhskoye began commercial  bon production would reach 45% by 2026.
                         production in 2015 and flowed over 5.6mn   Gazprom Neft made considerable progress in
                         tonnes of oil equivalent (112,000 barrels of oil  utilising its APG last year, increasing the rate to
                         equivalent per day, boepd) last year. Most this  89% from 78% in 2018. In its latest annual report
                         volume is oil, which is pumped to markets via  it said it expected to reach the 95% target in 2022.
                         the Zapolyarye-Purpe pipeline. But the field  Rosneft’s utilisation rate, on the other hand,
                         also has gas, but this is stranded because of its  stands at only 77.8%. Russia is the world’s biggest
                         remoteness to Russia's gas transport system.  gas flarer, burning off 23.2 bcm of gas last year,
                           Russian law states that producers must  according to a World Bank study. It accounts for
                         utilise 95% of their APG. While some of  9% of global gas flaring. ™

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 30   29•July•2020
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