Page 19 - FSUOGM Week 30
P. 19

FSUOGM                                      NEWS IN BRIEF                                          FSUOGM

                                           Russia could hedge oil and
       RUSSIA                                                                   compliance with regulation.
        Lukoil buys extraction             gas revenues                         NORD STREAM (SWITZERLAND)

       project in Senegal                  Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered   Bulgarian pipeline ruptures
                                           the government to study mechanisms of
       Independent oil major Lukoil agreed to buy   hedging national oil and gas revenues against   Bulgaria's gas grid operator Bulgartransgaz
       a 40% stake in the Rofisque, Sangomar and   price volatility, the Kremlin's press secretary,   reported that a pipeline in southwest Bulgaria
       Sangomar Deep (RSSD) project in Senegal for   Dimitry Peskov, told the press on July 23.  that carries Russian gas to Greece halted flows
       $300mn from Cairn Energy, Russia's second-  Previously unnamed sources told Interfax   after a rupture on July 27.
       largest crude producer announced on July 27.  that Russia could use the Mexican model of   The rupture occurred at 07:56 near the
         The new offshore Senegalese deal is   buying put options to hedge against sharp   village of Kulata.
       expected to close in 4Q20, is subject to the   fluctuations in oil prices.   "The section has been cut off and all
       Senegalese government approval, and also   The scheme could reportedly be financed   actions required for the urgent repair
       includes a bonus of up to $100mn for Cairn   from the National Welfare Fund (NWF),   works and restoration of the natural gas
       Energy after production launches.   which could gain financial revenues on   transport to Greece have been made. No
         Lukoil estimates the total recoverable   the hedging, all the while stabilising public   people suffered any injuries," Bulgartransgaz
       hydrocarbons in place for the project at   finances.                     explained. "Gas network users will be
       500mn barrels of oil equivalent (boe).   "Indeed, the respective government   informed in due time of the restoration of
       Australia's Woodside has a 35% stake in the   entities are discussing various hedging   gas supply.
       project, Australia's FAR 15% and Senegal's   mechanisms used by various countries,"
       state-owned Petrosen another 10%, with an   Peskov said as cited by Reuters, noting that
       option to increase its stake to 18%.  the request was coming from the president.
         "RSSD is an early stage greenfield project,"   As reported by bne IntelliNews, in the   CENTRAL ASIA & SOUTH
       Sberbank CIB wrote on July 28, seeing the   beginning and spring of 2020 the prices for
       price Lukoil paid as "probably below Cairn's   Russian oil were briefly below the federal   CAUCASUS
       historical exploration costs". The analysts   budget break-even point, before recovering
       believe that "Lukoil is entering into an   on the effects of the extension of the OPEC+   Saudi firm eyes TAPI
       interesting project at a fairly low initial cost."   deal.
         Previous estimates put the initial capex for                           investment
       Sangomar's development at $4.2bn, which
       translates into $1.7bn for Lukoil's share,   Gas transmission via Nord   Riyadh-based Somo Al Mamlakah is eyeing the
       Sberbank notes.                                                          possibility of investing in the Turkmenistan-
         The development of Sangomar, requiring   Stream pipeline resumed       Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas
       a substantial capex outlay from Lukoil of                                pipeline, Turkmen opposition-run news
       $1.7bn over 2020-2023, should have an   after completion of annual       website Chronicle of Turkmenistan reported,
       impact on dividends, which are paid from                                 citing the NEBIT-GAZ agency.
       free cash flow (FCF) under the dividend   maintenance works                The company’s interest was reportedly
       policy, Sberbank CIB warns.                                              voiced during a meeting between
         BCS Global Markets on July 28 reminds   Nord Stream has successfully completed all   representatives of Somo Al Mamlakah and
       that unlike Lukoil’s past attempts to produce   planned maintenance works on its twin gas   state-run Turkmengaz. Earlier this year,
       oil in the region, this project is already past   pipelines within the scheduled period. After   Turkmengaz was unable to complete the
       the exploration phase, having found a field   the temporary shutdown of the pipeline   financial closure of TAPI, originally planned
       with significant reserves.          system, gas transmission resumed on July   for December 2016 and postponed until
         "Previous attempts offshore were in Sierra   26 2020 and the full capacity of both lines   early 2020. Turkmengaz has been ordered
       Leone and Cote d’Ivoire, and generally   is available again to fulfil all transport   by the government to look for foreign
       did not result in success," BCS GM writes,   nominations.                investors in order to complete the search for
       reminding that Lukoil booked $2bn of losses   “For the eighth consecutive year, Nord   funding by 2021.
       on these explorations.              Stream planned the annual shutdown     The 1.735-km-long TAPI pipeline
         Therefore given the company’s     thoroughly to ensure the efficient inspection   project is intended to provide up to 33bn
       unsuccessful run as an offshore explorer,   and maintenance of the pipeline system,   cubic metres per year of gas from fields in
       BCS GM takes it as a positive that Lukoil   which is a key element of our long-term   eastern Turkmenistan. Gas flows would
       is entering the Senegalese project in the   Pipeline Integrity Management Strategy,” said  go to Afghanistan, Pakistan and India.
       development of this field, and believes that   Taeke Keja, Maintenance Director of Nord   The Turkmen pipeline section is expected
       investors should be more positively inclined   Stream AG, adding: “Our operations and   to cost $1bn, while the whole project is
       towards this news.                  maintenance teams and our contractors have   projected to cost $10bn. Some estimates
         Should the investment pay out, "then   carried out these planned activities safely and  show the costs ballooning to up to $22.5bn.
       perhaps Lukoil will have found another   on time, with all necessary precautions and   Though Turkmenistan formally broke
       option for using its substantial FCF to   protection measures against COVID-19, and   ground on the pipeline in December 2015,
       deliver value-added growth to investors,"   contributed to a reliable, safe, and efficient   only limited ground work appears to have
       BCS GM believes, while reiterating the Buy   gas supply to the European market.”  taken place, despite claims to the contrary
       recommendation on the name.            The schedule for the maintenance   from Turkmen officials.
                                           activities has been closely coordinated with
                                           Nord Stream’s upstream and downstream
                                           partners and appropriately disclosed in

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