Page 21 - NorthAmOil Annual Review 2021
P. 21

NorthAmOil                                    SEPTEMBER                                          NorthAmOil

                                                                                                  Widespread flooding
                                                                                                  is complicating restart
                                                                                                  Source: Reuters

                         their location to avoid being in the path of the  What next?
                         storm. By September 2, these figures had fallen  The US government joined refiners in stepping
                         to 31.6% of platforms and 54.6% of rigs still  up efforts to ensure gasoline kept flowing in early
                         being evacuated, while only four dynamically  September as downstream capacity in Louisiana
                         positioned rigs remained off their pre-storm  remained offline.
                         location.                             The US Department of Energy (DoE)
                           Shell reported on September 2 that during  announced on September 2 that it would sup-
                         an initial flyover, it had identified damage to its  ply 1.5mn barrels of crude from the Strategic
                         West Delta-143 (WD-143) offshore facilities.  Petroleum Reserve (SPR) to ExxonMobil’s
                         The super-major said it would send in personnel  Baton Rouge refinery. This came after Presi-
                         to inspect the damage and assess its impact on  dent Joe Biden directed the DoE to use all tools,
                         operations when it was safe to do so, not speci-  including the SPR, to keep gasoline flowing, in
                         fying when this was likely to be.    an effort to avoid shortages and price spikes.
                           The WD-143 facilities serve as the transfer   The full impact of the storm on production
                         station for all production from Shell’s assets in  and refining still remains unknown for now.
                         the Mars corridor in the Mississippi Canyon  More updates from operators, as well as forth-
                         area of the Gulf to onshore crude terminals, the  coming data from organisations such as the US
                         company noted. This suggests that the WD-143  Energy Information Administration (EIA), will   Only around
                         outage could have an impact on when Shell is  provide a clearer picture over the coming days
                         able to bring other assets in the area – the Mars,  and weeks.            half of the 2021
                         Olympus and Ursa platforms – back online.  A potential worry for the industry, though,   Atlantic hurricane
                           As of September 2, Shell had returned its Tur-  is the fact that only around half of the 2021
                         ritella floating production, storage and offload-  Atlantic hurricane season has passed at this   season has
                         ing (FPSO) vessel to service, and said its Perdido  point, and there could be more storms to
                         facility had not been affected by the storm. All  come. A Colorado State University hurricane   passed at this
                         of its other facilities remained shut in and fully  researcher, Phil Klotzbach, told USA Today
                         evacuated, Shell said.               that whereas on average there would usually   point.
                           Chevron said on September 1 that its offshore  be about six named storms up to August 31,
                         facilities appeared to be undamaged, and had  including both tropical storms and hurricanes,
                         begun returning personnel offshore to verify  there have already been 12 this year. And
                         this and restart operations.         according to the National Oceanic and Atmos-
                           BP said on September 2 that, using flyovers  pheric Administration (NOAA), the typical
                         for visual assessments, it had observed no obvi-  peak of the season comes around September
                         ous major damage to its four Gulf platforms.  10, though no new storms are yet threatening
                         It would assess its infrastructure more closely  the US in Ida’s aftermath.
                         when it was safe to do so. The company added   The NOAA’s updated forecast from early
                         that it could not say how long this would take,  August said 15-21 tropical storms would
                         and that production would remain shut in until  form this season, of which 7-10 would be
                         it could confirm the condition of the platforms.  hurricanes.™

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