Page 18 - NorthAmOil Annual Review 2021
P. 18

NorthAmOil                                        AUGUST                                          NorthAmOil

       Biden administration battles in

       courts over federal leasing pause

       The administration of US President Joe Biden is appealing against a court decision

       overturning its moratorium on federal oil and gas leasing, even as another lawsuit is

       launched against the government

        US               THE administration of US President Joe Biden  Biden position
                         is pushing back against attempts to challenge its  Biden had pledged as part of his election cam-
       WHAT:             pause on federal oil and gas leasing through lit-  paign to stop issuing new federal drilling leases.
       The Biden administration   igation, as it continues its review of leasing pro-  The auctions were suspended almost immedi-
       is appealing against the   grammes on federal land and in federal waters.  ately after he took office early this year in order
       court order that blocked   In August, the US Department of the Interior  to allow the DoI to carry out a review of the
       its pause on federal oil   (DoI) filed a challenge against a federal judge’s  entire federal leasing programme. The review
       and gas leasing.  decision in June to block the leasing moratorium.  was expected to have been wrapped up by now,
                           However, the DoI said it would proceed with  with US Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland
       WHY:              the auction of new leases during the appeals pro-  previously saying that a report would be released
       The US Department of   cess “consistent with the district court’s injunc-  in the early summer, and telling a Congressional
       the Interior is arguing   tion during the appeal”. It will use “discretion  committee in late July that it was due for release
       that the emissions   provided under the law to conduct leasing in a  “very soon”.
       impacts of federal leasing   manner that takes into account the programme’s   However, those opposing the Biden admin-
       programmes need to be   many deficiencies”, the department added.  istration’s moves have sought to lift the leasing
       taken into account.  The development will be welcomed by the  moratorium through litigation. In March, 14
                         states and industry groups that oppose the Biden  states filed a lawsuit challenging the leasing
       WHAT NEXT:        administration’s stance on federal leasing and  pause. And in June, Judge Terry Doughty of
       Meanwhile, US industry   have been keen to have auctions resume while  the US District Court for the Western District
       groups have filed   the court battle finishes playing out. Indeed,  of Louisiana issued a preliminary injunction
       a separate lawsuit   in August, the American Petroleum Institute  blocking the administration from enforcing its
       challenging the   (API) and 11 other industry groups filed the  moratorium.
       moratorium.       lawsuit in federal court in the Western District   The DoI is now trying to overturn Doughty’s
                         of Louisiana in a bid to force the DoI to reinstate  decision.
                         the lease sales. The groups described the length   “The appeal of the preliminary injunction
                         of the moratorium as “unprecedented”.  is important and necessary,” the DoI said in a

                                                                                                  US President Joe Biden
                                                                                                  had pledged to stop
                                                                                                  issuing new federal
                                                                                                  drilling leases as part of
                                                                                                  his election campaign.

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                                Annual Review 2021
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