Page 15 - NorthAmOil Annual Review 2021
P. 15

NorthAmOil                                        JUNE                                           NorthAmOil

                                                                                                  The Terra Nova FPSO
                                                                                                  has been offline since
                                                                                                  late 2019.

                         “will increase their ownership of the project for   “While the provincial government has and
                         consideration payable from the other owners”.  had discussed terms on taking an equity stake
                           Efforts to save Terra Nova have been under-  in the project, the risk has proven to be too great
                         way for some time. Suncor’s president and CEO,  for a project which is so late in its life,” Parsons
                         Mark Little, said his company had been working  said.
                         with other stakeholders in the project over the   According to CBC News, the provincial
                         past year in order to determine a path forward.  government had offered the Terra Nova part-
                           “Despite numerous setbacks, Suncor, as oper-  ners CAD175mn ($141mn) in cash from an
                         ator, continued to persevere and explore options  oil industry recovery fund created with fed-
                         to achieve an economic return for our investors  eral money, and a break on royalty payments
                         while protecting the employment of hundreds  to the governments. Parsons said the prov-
                         of Newfoundlanders and Labradorians,” Little  ince had then upped its offer to CAD205mn
                         stated. “Although this agreement in principle is  ($166mn).
                         not a guarantee, it sets a path forward in the next   According to Parsons, the offer remained
                         few months to secure a return to operations for  on the table after being rejected by the project   The Asset Life
                         many years to come.”                 partners.
                                                               “Our government is and continues to be sup-  Extension Project
                         Ups and downs                        portive of the province’s oil and gas industry   is anticipated
                         Suncor’s tentative agreement to up its stake in the  and the Terra Nova project as demonstrated by
                         project came as a boost for Terra Nova after the  this significant offer that’s on the table,” he said.   to help produce
                         setback represented by the Newfoundland and  “However, we as a government and a province
                         Labrador government’s decision not to invest in  have a duty to all residents. Given our fiscal   roughly 80mn
                         the project.                         situations we cannot support this project at all
                           Sources familiar with the matter told CBC  costs.”                     additional barrels
                         News that Suncor had asked the provincial   It now appears that at least a preliminary   of oil over 10
                         government to take a 15% stake in Terra Nova.  compromise has been reached, but, in an envi-
                         But according to the sources, the province felt  ronment that remains challenging for the oil   more years.
                         the risks were too high, and said it had already  industry, it cannot be ruled out that efforts
                         offered significant support for the project in the  to finalise the agreement could yet fall apart.
                         form of grants and royalty relief.   Nonetheless, the latest developments come as a
                           This was echoed by Newfoundland and Lab-  good sign for Terra Nova.
                         rador Minister of Energy Andrew Parsons, who   Indeed, the Newfoundland and Labrador
                         said in June that there had been a “significant  Oil & Gas Industries Association’s (NOIA)
                         financial offer” from the province, but that no  president, Charlene Johnson, described Sun-
                         agreement had been reached on a government  cor’s announcement as “extremely good news
                         investment.                          accompanied by immense relief”.™

       Annual Review 2021                       www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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