Page 14 - NorthAmOil Annual Review 2021
P. 14

NorthAmOil                                         JUNE                                           NorthAmOil

       Suncor offers lifeline to Terra Nova

       Canada’s Suncor Energy has tentatively agreed to increase its stake in the Terra Nova

       project offshore Newfoundland and Labrador, offering a lifeline to an oilfield whose future

       was in doubt

        NEWFOUNDLAND     CANADA’S Suncor Energy announced in June  Ongoing effort
        AND LABRADOR     that a tentative agreement had been reached to  Terra Nova, located around 350 km offshore
                         restructure the ownership of the Terra Nova oil  Newfoundland and Labrador, entered service
                         project offshore Newfoundland and Labrador  in 2002 using the Terra Nova floating, produc-
       WHAT:             and provide short-term funding towards a life  tion storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel. It was
       Suncor has tentatively   extension plan for the oilfield.  the first development in North America to use
       agreed to take a larger   The announcement came on June 16, a day  FPSO technology in a harsh weather environ-
       stake in Terra Nova and   after the deadline for a decision on the future of  ment, given that the area is prone to sea ice and
       extend the project’s life.  Terra Nova, which is estimated to need around  icebergs. It is also one of the largest FPSO vessels
                         CAD600mn ($485mn) to extend its life. A few  ever built, at 292.2 metres long and 45.5 metres
       WHY:              days earlier, the provincial government of New-  wide, according to Suncor’s website. The facility
       The company has been   foundland and Labrador had rejected a request  has the capacity to store 960,000 barrels of oil.
       seeking provincial   from the project partners to buy an equity stake   The Asset Life Extension Project is antici-
       government support to   in Terra Nova.                 pated to help produce roughly 80mn additional
       help extend Terra Nova’s   While the newly announced agreement in  barrels of oil over 10 more years of operations,
       life and said that further   principle, which will see Suncor raise its stake  and was initially set to kick off in 2020. But even
       work was contingent   in the project from 38% to 48%, is not a guar-  though the FPSO was removed from the field
       on royalty and financial   antee that Terra Nova will survive, it does offer  in 2019 for planned upgrades amid safety con-
       support.          some assurance that the company is searching  cerns, the project was delayed by the coronavi-
                         for a way forward. Suncor said in June that con-  rus (COVID-19) pandemic.
       WHAT NEXT:        tinued work on the project was contingent on   Currently, Suncor operates Terra Nova with a
       A sanction decision   “royalty and financial support” from the provin-  37.675% stake, ExxonMobil holds 19%, Equinor
       on the life extension   cial government.               owns 15%, Cenovus Energy has a 13% interest,
       programme at Terra   A final decision on whether to sanction the  Murphy Oil owns 10.475%, Mosbacher Energy
       Nova is expected in the   Terra Nova Asset Life Extension Project is antic-  has 3.85% and Chevron holds 1%. Suncor has
       autumn.           ipated in the autumn, and further details will  not yet specified how other partners’ interests
                         be announced when agreements are finalised,  will change as it raises its own stake to 48%, but it
                         according to Suncor.                 did say that “a subset” of the project participants

                                                                                                  Source: The Canadian

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                                Annual Review 2021
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