Page 13 - NorthAmOil Annual Review 2021
P. 13

NorthAmOil                                         M AY                                          NorthAmOil

                                                                                                  Some of the major
                                                                                                  recent deals are taking
                                                                                                  place in regions other
                                                                                                  than the Permian

                         in. (See NorthAmOil Week 18)         driller, and Rice said such private players are
                           EQT is another company on a shopping  unlikely to be replaced by new ones given the
                         spree, having bought Chevron’s assets in the  scarcity of funding available to new exploration.
                         Appalachian Basin for $735mn in late 2020. The   “The pipe of private equity-backed companies
                         company is undergoing a major overhaul of its  has almost been shut off,” Rice told Bloomberg.
                         operations in an effort to improve its perfor-  “You don’t have private equity companies feed-
                         mance and has put the brakes on activity while  ing more private equity-backed energy compa-
                         this is underway. However, its acquisitions illus-  nies into the mix,” he said.
                         trate that the company does not deem it neces-  “These private operators are being consol-
                         sary to hold back on acquiring new acreage at  idated by the publics that will put their assets
                         the same time.                       to a maintenance mode,” Rice continued, add- EQT’s acquisition
                                                              ing that EQT would only do enough drilling
                         What next?                           in Alta’s acreage to keep production levels flat   of Alta is a recent
                         Both oil- and gas-focused transactions are  in the coming years. “The days of growth are   example of a
                         anticipated to help the shale industry maintain  behind us,” Rice said. “We are in a different era
                         the recent commitment to restraint by concen-  of shale development.”     public company
                         trating assets in the hands of fewer players that   This is not limited to gas alone. A similar mes-
                         understand the importance of not contributing  sage came from Pioneer’s CEO, Scott Sheffield,  buying a private
                         to a new glut. Indeed, many of the leading shale  in reference to oil producers in shale plays. On
                         producers have already stated a commitment to  Pioneer’s earnings call earlier this month, Shef-  driller.
                         keeping the brakes on regardless of what com-  field said he hoped for more consolidation to
                         modity prices do in the short term.  curb volume increases from smaller, private
                           Speaking about shale gas in particular, EQT’s  producers. He added, though, that an uptick in
                         CEO, Toby Rice, said earlier this month that he  drilling by private firms had not yet reached the
                         expected consolidation to help put an end to gas  point when it could undo the impact of OPEC+
                         supply gluts. He noted in particular that assets  oil supply curbs.
                         are being transferred from private companies   If Rice’s comments about private players in
                         to publicly traded ones, which are under more  the gas space can also apply to oil – and they
                         pressure to demonstrate fiscal discipline thanks  likely do – then even more consolidation, result-
                         to their shareholders.               ing in a shale industry with fewer private firms
                           Indeed, EQT’s acquisition of Alta is a recent  and more large, publicly traded companies, can
                         example of a public company buying a private  be expected.™

       Annual Review 2021                       www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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