Page 5 - DMEA Week 17 2021
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DMEA                                         COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

                         the Red Sea coast. However, articles on the Ara-  Saudi Arabia’s raised its May official selling
                         mco website in October 2020 said that the ‘next  prices (OSPs) to Asia by $0.2-0.5 per barrel, with
                         phase’ remained under construction, noting the  Indian authorities advising refiners to ramp up
                         addition of 821 km of new pipelines, just over  crude imports from the US and Africa. Earlier
                         half the amount anticipated when it released its  this month, Reuters quoted sources as saying
                         2017 annual report.                  that India’s state-owned refineries would buy
                           According to Aramco, ‘the total length [of]  36% less Saudi crude in May than usual, as New
                         pipeline in service, ready for commissioning,  Delhi has accused Saudi and its OPEC+ partners
                         or decommissioned is 3,850 km, and pipelines  of driving up crude prices while India attempts
                         under construction total an additional 1,075 km’.  to recover from the coronavirus (COVID-19)
                         Finding a buyer                        The public refiners placed orders to buy
                         With all of this asset monetisation on the agenda,  9.5mn barrels of crude from Aramco in May,
                         the Aramco cash push went into overdrive  down from the 10.8mn barrels planned previ-
                         this week when the Kingdom’s Crown Prince  ously, according to the sources.
                         Mohammed bin Salman (MbS) said in a tele-  However, India’s Business Today quoted
                         vised interview that Riyadh was in talks to sell a  sources close to proceedings as saying that the
                         1% stake in the company.             stand-off has not had an impact on the NOC’s
                           At its current market capitalisation, a 1%  plan to buy a 20% stake in Reliance’s refining,
                         stake in Aramco is worth around $19bn. “I don’t  petrochemicals and fuels marketing businesses,
                         want to give any promises, but there’s a discus-  known as Reliance O2C. The sources said that
                         sion for acquisition of a 1% stake by a leading  Aramco is serious about partnering Reliance and
                         global energy company in an important deal that  the discussions are progressing as anticipated.
                         would boost Aramco’s sales in a major country,”   In August 2019, the Saudi firm signed a letter
                         MbS said, with sources quoted by several pub-  of intent (LoI) to purchase the stake for around
                         lications as saying that Chinese investors were  $15bn, thereby valuing the Indian firm at $75bn.
                         involved.                              Reliance’s chairman and managing director
                           Following the interview, Reuters quoted peo-  Mukesh Ambani added that as part of the deal,
                         ple close to sovereign wealth fund China Invest-  his company would agree to a long-term pur-
                         ment Corp. (CIC) as saying that it was among  chase of 500,000 barrels per day (bpd) of Ara-
                         those that could invest, with Chinese NOCs  mco crude.
                         likely to form a consortium. Meanwhile, another   The jewel in the Reliance crown is the 1.24mn
                         source at a state-backed private equity fund said  bpd Jamnagar refining complex, and the acqui-
                         that Aramco has been courting Chinese inves-  sition of a 20% stake in the business would add a
                         tors for several years, with CIC the most likely  theoretical net refining capacity of 240,000 bpd
                         to pull the trigger. The Silk Road Fund had also  to Aramco’s books.
                         been approached, according to Reuters.  In March, citing sources with intimate knowl-
                           The Crown Prince noted: “There are talks  edge of proceedings, India’s Economic Times
                         with other companies for different stakes, and  said that the final deal could comprise a com-
                         part of Aramco’s shares could be transferred to  bination of stock and cash and these rumours
                         the [Saudi] Public Investment Fund [PIF] and  returned this week in reports carried by Reuters
                         [another] part listed on the Saudi bourse.”  and the Financial Times.
                           In late 2019, the Saudi government sold a   Despite having cut its 2020 capital pro-
                         stake of 1.5% in Aramco in the company’s initial  gramme by around $12bn owing to the impact
                         public offering (IPO) on the Tadawul All Share  of the COVID-19 pandemic, Aramco remains
                         Index (TASI), the Saudi stock exchange. This  intent on expanding dedicated markets to which
                         raised $25.6bn, making it the world’s largest-ever  it can sell crude long term.
                         IPO, with a further 0.23% sold later increasing   At the time, a Reliance official was quoted as
                         the return to $29.4bn. This was duly transferred  saying: ‘Aramco sees Reliance O2C as the dedi-
                         to the PIF, which is the country’s main sovereign  cated buyer of its crude. When the uncertainties
                         wealth fund.                         rule the oil world, building a relation in one of
                           In January this year, MbS said that more  the largest oil-consuming countries will solidify
                         shares in Aramco would be sold in order to  its position for future.’
                         expand the PIF. “There will be [more] Aramco   In February, Reliance shares rose 1.5% after
                         share offerings in the coming years, and this  reports emerged that it was finalising a deal that
                         cash will be transferred to the Public Invest-  would demerge its O2C business into a subsid-
                         ment Fund,” he said, noting that the PIF would  iary that will initially be wholly owned by the
                         use the proceeds to invest both locally and  parent. The new O2C subsidiary will be include
                         internationally.                     Reliance’s refining and petrochemicals assets,
                                                              its bulk wholesale marketing business, its fuel
                         RIL deal still on                    retail arm which comprises a 51% stake in a joint
                         Aramco’s planned deal to acquire a 20% stake  venture with BP and oil trading subsidiaries in
                         in India’s Reliance Industries’ oil-to-chemicals  Singapore and the UK.
                         (O2C) division is proceeding as planned despite   While the details of the spin-off are yet to be
                         a breakdown in relations between Riyadh and  concluded, Reliance is expected to be valued at
                         New Delhi.                           $75-85bn, including the company’s debt.™

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