Page 6 - DMEA Week 17 2021
P. 6

DMEA                                          COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

       Mozambique LNG on hold

       Total issues declaration of force majeure, citing
       deteriorating security conditions in Cabo Delgado

        AFRICA           FRANCE’S Total has issued a declaration of  Mozambique LNG work schedule.)
                         force majeure on the Mozambique LNG project,   Meanwhile, the problems are not confined to
                         citing deteriorating security conditions in Cabo  the onshore construction site. Carlos Zacarias,   Exporting gas by
       WHAT:             Delgado, Mozambique’s northernmost province.  the chairman of Mozambique’s National Petro-
       The French major has   In doing so, it signals that its attempts to restart  leum Institute (known locally as INP), was   the late 2024
       suspended work at   work on the project have come to an end – at  quoted by Upstream as saying earlier this week
       the site of its onshore   least for now.               that Total had also stopped work on the upstream   target now
       complex on the Afungi   In a statement dated April 26, the company  portion of the project – namely, preparations for   appears to be
       Peninsula.        confirmed that it had withdrawn all project  gas production at Golfinho and Atum, two fields
                         personnel from the site on the Afungi Penin-  within the offshore block designated as Area 1.  unlikely.
       WHY:              sula where it is building an onshore complex   According to Ian Simm, principal advisor at
       Total had hoped to   and natural gas liquefaction plant. It expressed  the IGM Energy consultancy, delays are proba-  Ian Simm
       resume work in late   “solidarity with the government and people of  bly inevitable under current circumstances. “The   Principal Advisor
       March, but has been   Mozambique” and said it hoped that “the actions  declaration of force majeure eases the strain on   IGM Energy
       stymied by a series   carried out by the government of Mozambique  the Mozambique LNG partners, pausing the
       of attacks on local   and its regional and international partners will  drawdown of debt and freezing contracts for
       communities.      enable the restoration of security and stability in  associated development works. This will be of
                         Cabo Delgado Province in a sustained manner.”  little consolation to contractors, as the partners
       WHAT NEXT:          Total has not said when it might resume work  are likely to be freed from certain contractual
       Mozambique LNG may   on the LNG plant, which will eventually have  obligations and may eventually cancel deals,
       have to postpone the   two production trains capable of turning out  depending how long force majeure remains in
       start of production by at   12.88mn tonnes per year (tpy). A spokesman  place,” he told Downstream MEA (DMEA) ear-
       least a year.     for the French major informed Upstream earlier  lier this week.
                         this week, though, that the declaration of force   “Exporting gas by the late 2024 target now
                         majeure would not be lifted until Mozambican  appears to be unlikely, and financiers will need
                         authorities succeeded in restoring “safety and  to recalculate their anticipated returns. Much
                         stability in a verifiable and sustainable manner.”  will depend on how quickly the security situa-
                           According to the spokesman, Total took this  tion can be improved, but with several militant
                         step because it has not been able to operate safely  groups appearing to have joined forces, matters
                         or efficiently since late March, when Ahlu Sun-  have become more complex.”
                         nah Wa-Jamo (ASWJ), an Islamist group with
                         ties to Islamic State (Daesh), mounted a series  Total not exiting Mozambique
                         of vicious attacks on Palma and other villages  Despite these setbacks, Total has stopped short
                         near the construction site. Under these circum-  of withdrawing from the project.
                         stances, he said, the company cannot resume   The company’s spokesman stressed this
                         work or allow personnel for the Mozambique  point, telling Upstream that the company
                         LNG project to remain on the Afungi Peninsula.  “remains committed” to developing Area 1’s gas
                                                              reserves and building the onshore LNG plant,
                         Contract cancellations               “when conditions allow.” He also said Total
                         Total’s spokesman did not comment directly on  would “continue to follow the evolution of the
                         his company’s relationships with its contractors.  situation with great attention, in close contact
                           According to S&P Global Platts, the French  with the [Mozambican] authorities.”
                         firm began reviewing agreements with several   This stance seems to have reassured the Afri-
                         of its service providers last week, shortly before  can Energy Chamber (AEC), an industry group
                         issuing declaring force majeure. It is likely to can-  that advocates for oil and gas development in
                         cel some of these contracts soon, as the declara-  Africa. “While the force majeure declaration by
                         tion gives it the legal right to do so.  Total is a legal instrument at its disposition to
                           Together, the declaration and the review of  procure its objectives and compromises with its
                         service contracts appear to signal that the $20bn  lenders and the government, we firmly believe
                         scheme will be on hold for at least a year, with  that Total will do whatever it takes to stand with
                         first production pushed back to 2025 instead  Mozambique and its people,” the AEC wrote in a
                         of 2024. (Total has not commented on its time-  statement later on April 26.
                         line, and its spokesman only told Upstream that   It continued: “Total is not only an interna-
                         recent events would have “a consequence” for the  tional company. It is an African company as

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