Page 10 - GLNG Week 09 2023
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GLNG                                            AMERICAS                                               GLNG

       Venture Global signs LNG supply

       agreements with China Gas Holdings

        US               VENTURE Global LNG and China Gas Hold-  Venture Global is developing carbon capture
                         ings, a leading natural gas operator in China,  and sequestration (CCS) projects at each of its
       China Gas will buy   have announced two 20-year LNG sales and  LNG facilities. Venture Global’s first facility, Cal-
       1mn tonnes per year of   purchase agreements (SPAs).   casieu Pass, started producing LNG in January
       LNG on a free on-board   The SPAs were signed by a wholly owned sub-  2022, just 29 months after a final investment
       basis.            sidiary of China Gas, China Gas Hongda Energy  decision (FID).
                         Trading.                               The company is also constructing or devel-
                           According to the SPAs, China Gas will buy  oping an additional 60mn tpy of production
                         1mn tonnes per year of LNG on a free on-board  capacity in Louisiana to provide clean, affordable
                         (FOB)  basis  from  the  under-construction  energy to the world.
                         Plaquemines LNG facility and another 1mn   China Gas is one of China’s largest trans-re-
                         tpy from the CP2 LNG export facility, which is  gional, integrated energy suppliers and service
                         under development.                   providers.
                           Both export facilities are in Louisiana. Supply   It focuses on its domestic market and is pri-
                         would begin in 2027, a Venture Global executive  marily engaged in the investment, construction
                         told Reuters.                        and operation of urban gas pipelines, gas termi-
                           “As a major participant in China’s energy  nals, storage and transport facilities and logistics
                         market, we are committed to providing reliable  systems.
                         and low-carbon LNG to Chinese customers,”   The company delivers natural gas and LPG
                         said China Gas Holdings’ chairman and presi-  to residential, industrial and commercial users.
                         dent, Liu Minghui.                   The group also builds and operates compressed
                           “These two SPAs increase additional volume  natural gas and LNG fuelling stations while
                         for our LNG portfolio and strengthen China  developing and applying natural gas and lique-
                         Gas’s supply ability. We look forward to work-  fied petroleum gas (LPG) technologies.
                         ing with Venture Global over the coming years   In other Venture Global news, US-based
                         to help further reduce greenhouse gas [GHG]  Excelerate Energy and Venture Global LNG have
                         emissions,” he said.                 signed a 20-year SPA. Excelerate will purchase
                           “Through relentless execution and innova-  0.7mn tpy of LNG on an FOB basis from the
                         tion, our company will continue to bring much  Plaquemines LNG facility.
                         needed new capacity to the global LNG market,   “Venture Global is thrilled to launch this
                         supporting energy security and environmental  new collaboration with Excelerate, a leader in
                         progress both in Asia and Europe,” added Ven-  the FSRU (floating storage regasification unit)
                         ture Global’s CEO, Mike Sabel.       industry, as their inaugural long-term LNG
                           “Venture Global is pleased to welcome China  supplier,” said Venture Global’s Sabel. “Their
                         Gas as a customer both at Plaquemines and  foresight and transformational work to bring
                         CP2. Importantly, low-cost LNG supplied to the  much-needed energy infrastructure to markets
                         region will accelerate fuel switching and lower  around the globe has enabled countries from
                         carbon emissions, contributing meaningfully to  Europe, the Global South, and the developing
                         China and the world’s existing climate targets,”  world to fuel switch from coal to natural gas
                         he said.                             while lifting millions out of energy poverty.” ™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 09   03•March•2023
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