Page 20 - GLNG Week 09 2023
P. 20

GLNG                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             GLNG

       Hungary will be able to             natural gas field off West           Alexandroupolis FSRU work

       import liquefied natural gas  Africa                                     commences at Keppel

       from Egypt starting in 2026         BP and its partners are exploring a second   shipyard
                                           phase expansion for the Greater Tortue
       Hungary will be able to import liquefied   Ahmeyim (GTA) natural gas field off the coast   Construction has begun on Greece’s first
       natural gas (LNG) from Egypt starting 2026   of West Africa.             floating storage and regasification unit
       as the Central European country seeks to   Alongside Kosmos Energy, Senegal’s   (FSRU) at the Keppel shipyard in Singapore.
       diversify its energy sources away from Russia,   Petrosen and Mauritania’s Société   The FSRU, named Alexandroupoli after its
       the two country’s leaders agreed in Cairo.   Mauritanienne des Hydrocarbures, BP could   conversion from GasLog’s DNV-classed
       Hungary could import LNG from Egypt via   increase GTA’s liquefied natural gas (LNG)   LNG carrier Gaslog Chelsea, will serve as an
       Greece following the development of the   production to as much as 5.3mn tonnes per   offshore storage and regasification facility and
       required infrastructure to guarantee its energy   year, up from the current 2.5-3mn tpy.  be part of the Alexandroupolis Independent
       security.                              The proposed expansion will include the   Natural Gas System. The reflagged 155,000
         Late in 2021, Egypt, a major gas exporter,   use of a gravity-based structure and new wells   cubic metre LNG carrier will be the first FSRU
       and Greece agreed on expanding their co-  and subsea equipment to expand existing   conversion under the Greek flag for operation
       operation regarding LNG supply and on   infrastructure and production.   in the Aegean Sea. The project is owned by
       examining the possibility of constructing a   BP is also considering designs to lower   Gastrade, a consortium of key players in the
       subsea gas pipeline between the two states   emissions associated with LNG production at   wider region’s energy market. The FSRU is
       amid European countries’ keenness to   the facility by using equipment such as electric  expected to have a regasification capacity of
       diversify their energy sources.     drive turbines.                      approximately 8 billion cubic metres per year
         The two countries’ latest co-operation   According to BP’s Gordon Birrell, executive  and will be connected to the National Natural
       in the energy field comes amidst extensive   vice president of operations and production,   Gas Transmission System of Greece via a
       economic ties developed over decades.   the GTA project underpins the company’s   28-kilometre pipeline. The vessel is scheduled
       Trade exchange between Egypt and Hungary   strategy to develop resilient hydrocarbons   for delivery at the end of 2023.
       amounted to $400mn in 2021. Hungarian   that can provide energy security today,  along
       exports to Egypt include machinery, electric   with BP’s Yakaar-Terenga and BirAllah LNG
       generators, glass and organic chemicals.   projects in Senegal and Mauritania.  Chevron to reduce carbon
       While Egypt exports cotton, fruits, vegetables,   “We aim to build on our strong
       cement, fertilisers, carpets, ceramics and   collaboration with our partners, and the   intensity of LNG fleet
       plastics. Also Egypt is a major tourism   governments of Mauritania and Senegal, to
       destination, with around 40,000 Hungarian   further develop a long-term, successful energy   Chevron Corporation, through its subsidiary
       tourists visiting the country in 2021.  hub in West Africa,” he said, according to   Chevron Shipping Company LLC, has reached
                                           Natural Gas Intel.                   an agreement with Sembcorp Marine Repairs
                                              In 2022,  Africa became a growing source   & Upgrades Pte. Ltd to reduce the carbon
       BP and partners plan                of LNG for Europe, with the region receiving   intensity of their LNG fleet operations. Under this
                                                                                agreement, Chevron will install new technologies
                                           its first cargoes from Cameroon and increased
       second phase expansion              volumes from Equatorial Guinea and Angola.   on its vessels to help reduce the carbon footprint
                                           This is expected to grow in the near future as
                                                                                of its LNG transportation operations, in line
       for Greater Tortue Ahmeyim          countries seek to replace Russian gas.  with the decarbonization targets set by the
                                                                                International Maritime Organization (IMO).

                                                                                  Chevron’s plan to reduce the carbon footprint

       P20                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 09   03•March•2023
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