Page 21 - GLNG Week 09 2023
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GLNG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             GLNG

       of LNG transportation includes the installation of   the trucks, which transported the chilled fuel   been awarded funding from Horizon Europe
       a reliquefaction system, hull air lubrication, and   to its growing European truck fuelling station   to reduce methane slip from marine engines
       a new gas compressor to reduce cargo boil-off,   network, owned and run by Vitol subsidiary   using liquefied natural gas (LNG). The
       lower fuel consumption, and increase volumes   ViGo Bioenergy GmbH.      project includes a consortium of companies
       of cargo delivered. By partnering with Sembcorp   Peter Mackey, CEO of Avenir LNG   from across the shipping industry, including
       Marine, a company with significant expertise in   Limited, said that this successful LNG   shipyard Chantiers de l’Atlantique, ship owner
       complex LNG fleet modifications, Chevron will   ship-to-truck transfer in the Port of Mukran   CMA CGA, classification society DNV GL,
       receive engineering, procurement, installation,   underlines Avenir’s dedication to guaranteeing  the Finnish Meterological Institute, ship
       and commissioning services (EPIC) to complete   energy supplies for its global clients by   manager MSC Cruises Management, non-
       the upgrades by mid-2025.           providing a full small-scale supply chain from   profit organisation Revolve Water, energy
         Mark Ross, President of Chevron Shipping   major energy hubs to end customers. “We   major Shell, and technology group Wärtsilä.
       Company, said, “We are excited to work with   will continue to develop our supply portfolio   The project will focus on developing
       Sembcorp Marine to help us advance our   consisting of vessels, terminals, and trucking   on-engine technologies for low-pressure
       lower carbon goals. We believe LNG will be a   operations, and ship-to-truck unloading   dual-fuel engines, both two- and four-stroke,
       key component of the global energy transition   operations are going to complete our offers   and a novel aftertreatment concept. These
       for years to come, and Chevron is focused on   for customers in the marine, industry, and   technologies will be demonstrated in real
       continuing its disciplined capital investment in   transport sector,” he said.  applications, including two newbuilds and one
       our LNG fleet.”                        The operation was a pilot project to   retrofitted vessel, and will be capable of using
         Wong Weng Sun, Sembcorp Marine President   demonstrate the feasibility of creating   bio- or synthetic methane in addition to fossil
       and CEO, added, “Working with Chevron on   an energy supply chain for decentralised   LNG.
       its LNG fleet upgrades is an immediate way to   regions without the need for large-scale LNG   Wärtsilä will develop technology
       accelerate the lowering of the carbon footprint in   unloading and terminal infrastructure. The   specifically for low-pressure four-stroke dual-
       the maritime industry, to achieve the IMO’s target   vessel was at berth for three days, and the   fuel engines and an on-engine technology
       to reduce emissions from international shipping   necessary preparations for the test operation   for two-stroke engines. These technologies
       by at least half by 2050, compared to the levels in   were completed in weeks rather than the   aim to reduce methane slip from engines and
       2008.”                              longer development period required for larger,  increase efficiency while lowering operational
                                           permanent infrastructure such as onshore   costs. Both technologies will be demonstrated
                                           terminals or FSRUs. The short development   at sea during the project in collaboration with
       Avenir carries out                  time allows Avenir to develop its global LNG   Green Ray partners.
                                           small-scale supply infrastructure in line with
                                                                                  The use of LNG as a marine fuel is
       Germany’s first LNG ship-to-        customer requirements and set up LNG and   increasing due to its clear transition to cleaner
                                           bio-LNG supply chains rapidly and flexibly in
                                                                                fuels and significant air pollution and climate
       truck operation                     other regions in the future.         benefits. However, the issue of methane slip -
                                                                                unburned fuel escaping into the atmosphere

       Avenir LNG Limited has reported that it has                              from engines and across the production and
       completed Germany’s first-ever direct LNG   Green Ray aims to minimise   supply chain - remains a challenge to its wider
       transfer from a transport vessel to trucks,                              uptake. The Green Ray project aims to address
       according to its wholly owned subsidiary,   methane slips from LNG       this challenge and contribute to the reduction
       Avenir LNG B.V. On February 22/23,                                       of greenhouse gas emissions in the maritime
       the Avenir Ascension, a small-scale LNG   engines                        market. ™
       transport vessel, transferred LNG directly
       into transport trucks in Germany’s Port of   The Green Ray project, led by VTT
       Mukran. Global energy trader Vitol supplied   Technical Research Centre of Finland, has

       Week 09   03•March•2023                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P21
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