Page 11 - MEOG Week 24
P. 11

MEOG                                  P ro J e C ts  & C om Pan I es                                  MEOG

       Integration moves progress in Qatar, Saudi

        qatar/sauDI      STATE-OWNED  Qatar Petroleum has  Saudi moves
                         announced it will integrate Qatari petrochemi-  Meanwhile State-owned Saudi Aramco bought
                         cals marketer Muntajat into its operations, under  2.1 billion shares of Saudi Basic Industries
                         efforts to strengthen its downstream business.  (SABIC) on the stock market on Sunday as it
                           Muntajat markets polyethylene (PE) and  completed its deal agreed last year to buy 70 per
                         other petrochemical products such as methanol,  cent of the petrochemical giant.
                         methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) and linear alkyl   Four transactions were executed on the Saudi
                         benzene (LAB), as well as fertilisers and metals.  exchange, known as Tadawul, involving SABIC
                         QP aims to integrate the company within the  shares worth 259,125 billion riyals ($69.1) bil-
                         next few months, it said in a statement on June  lion, Tadawal data showed, without naming the
                         11.                                  buyer.
                           “The integration of Muntajat into QP is a   Four sources confirmed the transactions
                         strategic move that will further strengthen our  were part of the Aramco acquisition agreed in
                         downstream capabilities and enhance the state of  2019 and which will be one of the biggest in the
                         Qatar’s global competitive position in the down-  global chemical industry once completed.
                         stream sector,” QP CEO Saad Sherida Al-Kaabi   The shares are being sold by the Saudi sov-
                         said.                                ereign fund, the Public Investment Fund (PIF),
                           QP’s main business is LNG production, but  giving it more cash to invest in the government
                         the company is looking to build up its down-  programme to diversify the economy away from
                         stream division to serve as a hedge against gas  oil.
                         market volatility.                     Sources told Reuters in May that Aramco
                           Two months ago, it also integrated petro-  had been looking to restructure the deal after
                         chemicals firm SEEF into its operations. SEEF  SABIC’s market value fell more than 40 per cent
                         is a joint venture between QP and Qatar’s UDC  due to an oil price slump. Sunday’s transactions
                         that operates a 100,000 tonne per year (tpy) LAB  suggested the deal price had not changed but it
                         plant in Mesaieed.                   was unclear whether the structure for making
                           Petrochemicals firms in Qatar have also been  payments to the PIF had been revised.
                         consolidating in recent years to benefit from   Sunday’s share trades involved cross trans-
                         lower costs and become more competitive inter-  actions, also known as special deals on the
                         nationally, at a time when prices are low and the  Tadawul, which are executed at an agreed price
                         market is crowded with suppliers. Among the  between a buyer and seller.
                         major deals, state-owned Qatar Vinyl merged its   “The deal completion is on-track with expec-
                         operations with Qapco in 2017.       tations to be finalised before the end of the
                           The same thing is happening in other Middle  second quarter,” Aramco told Reuters in a state-
                         Eastern states. Oman last year integrated state-  ment when asked about the transactions. “We
                         owned oil company OOC, refiner Orpic and  will make a completion announcement in due
                         several other domestic energy firms.   course.”
                           Meanwhile Saudi Arabia’s Sipchem, which   Aramco has been boosting investments in
                         produces methanol, polymers and acetic acid,  refining and other downstream industries.
                         last year merged with polypropylene (PP) pro-  Three of Sunday’s deals were completed at
                         ducer Sahara Petrochemicals.         123.40 riyals per share and the fourth at 123.20
                           QP is also investing in new Qatari petro-  riyals, prices that were similar to last year’s
                         chemicals capacity, striking a deal with Chevron  agreed price of 123.39 riyals per share.
                         Phillips Chemical of the US last year to develop   SABIC shares ended at 88.50 riyals on
                         a 1.9mn tpy ethane cracker in Ras Laffan. The  Sunday.
                         plant will consist of two high-density PE units   Aramco raised $10 billion in a loan this year
                         with a combined output of 1.68mn tpy. They are  to help with the SABIC acquisition, sources pre-
                         scheduled for launch in 2025.        viously said.™

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