Page 9 - MEOG Week 24
P. 9
Greco-Turkish relations strained
as Ankara’s plans progress
east meD IN an escalating war of nerves between Athens under the current circumstances. The contin-
and Ankara, bilateral relations have deterio- uation of a tense atmosphere between the two
rated, sparking fears of a military confrontation countries for the foreseeable future, especially
between the two NATO allies. on the diplomatic front, is likely,” he told Arab
Greek Defence Minister Nikolaos Panagiot- News.
opoulos recently highlighted his country’s “read- Michaletos does not anticipate a “break-
iness for military conflict with Turkey.” through” soon for the deeply rooted divergences
On Wednesday 10 June, a Greek navy ship between the two countries. “The instability will
attempted to inspect a cargo vessel off the Lib- tend to continue throughout 2020 for sure,” he
yan coast but a Turkish military escort refused said.
access. Greece has also protested Turkish drilling Antonopoulos also argued that Erdogan “is
plans in 24 locations in the Mediterranean Sea fomenting issues… as a way to distract the pop-
that it considers Greek territory. ulation from the severe economic situation”.
A controversial maritime deal between Tur-
key and Libya’s Government of National Accord Libyan deal
has also caused alarm Relations in recent months have suffered after
Turkey clinched a controversial deal with Libya.
Protest The agreement effectively allows Turkey to
Greece had previously lodged a strong protest explore and exploit the Mediterranean seabed
with Turkey over Turkish plans to expand oil for hundreds of miles, from its southwest coast
and gas exploration in in areas of the Mediter- to the northern tip of Libya.
ranean Sea that Greece considers its own. The The problem for Greece is that several Greek
Greek government has warned that any drilling islands, including Crete, lie in between and
in Greece’s continental shelf areas will spark a experts see an armed conflict erupting if the gov-
heated response. Analysts warn that could spell ernment in Athens sees its territorial sovereignty
a war between the two NATO allies. violated.
In a short but strongly worded statement, “A violent showdown is possible,” he said.
Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias said Erdogan, he added, is determined to assert
Greece was ready to take on what he called, himself and Turkey’s interests on this important
“the Turkish provocation,” warning that Ath- region.
ens would respond if Ankara moved to start In recent years, the Eastern Mediterranean
drilling in what it considers Greek waters. has yielded significant gas discoveries.
however, experts do not expect immedi- Since then Egypt, Greece, Israel and Cyprus
ate military confrontation between the two have been jockeying for greater control of the
countries. minerals-rich region, leaving Turkey alone
Paul Antonopoulos, an expert on Turk- to search on its own, even if it may now spell a
ish-Greek relations, commented “It is unlikely showdown with Greece.
that (President Recep Tayyip) Erdogan will At the Delphi Economic Forum on June 11,
declare war, especially as Turkey is militarily Greek Deputy National Security Adviser Thanos
over-extended in Syria and Libya and is facing Dokos pushed for greater regional cooperation
an economic crisis.” in the eastern Mediterranean.
Athens has also suggested that the Interna- Greece and Egypt were reported to have
tional Court of Justice at The hague be used made little progress in discussions on maritime
to resolve the maritime issue, but Ankara does boundaries in the Mediterranean, with the Egyp-
not recognize its authority. Weighing in to the tian side accusing the Greeks as making false
debate, Russia’s ambassador to Athens. Andrei claims. Turkey appears to be moving away from
Maslov, has proposed the need for strict obser- its warming relations with Russia and making
vance of international law and the peaceful reso- diplomatic moves to bring Egypt into a maritime
lution of conflicting views. agreement which could give it huge increase in
Greek security analyst Ioannis Michale- its Exclusive Economic Zone at the same time
tos does not predict a military confrontation as increasing its mutual trade and LNG imports
between the two countries. from Egypt the doors for fresh alliances seem to
“This is a scenario with very few probabilities be open.
Week 24 17•June•2020 www. NEWSBASE .com P9