Page 6 - DMEA Week 29 2021
P. 6

DMEA                                          COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

       PIB already drawing criticism

       Following the passage of a new law governing the oil
       and gas sector, Nigeria’s government is beset by critics.

        AFRICA           NIGERIA’S government secured passage of the  Workers (NUPENG) and the Petroleum and
                         Petroleum Industry Bill (PIB) earlier this month,  Natural Gas Senior Staff Association of Nige-
                         when both chambers of the National Assembly  ria (PENGASSAN) were also wary of the idea
       WHAT:             approved the draft law in its third reading. The  of granting fuel import licences to only a few
       Industry associations,   stage is now set for President Muhammadu  refineries. According to the sources, the unions
       labour unions,    Buhari to sign the bill, and he is expected to do  have said they hope the National Assembly will
       government agencies and   so as soon as the Senate and the House of Repre-  address the matter during the harmonisation
       host communities have   sentatives harmonise their versions of it.  process, before the PIB is sent to Buhari for
       all complained about the   This is a significant achievement, given that  signature.
       provisions of the PIB.  officials in Abuja have been trying (and failing)
                         to put a new legal regime in place for the oil and  Labour unions and regulatory agencies
       WHY:              gas industry since 2009. However, it does not  PENGASSAN and NUPENG have additional
       The long-awaited   mean that the debate over how best to govern  concerns about the bill.
       legislation will not solve   the sector is over.         For one thing, the two groups are disap-
       all of the petroleum   In fact, the PIB has drawn a significant  pointed that the PIB does not carve out a larger
       industry’s problems.  amount of criticism since its passage in the  role for labour unions, Vanguard’s sources said.
                         National Assembly. This essay will examine  They want to see the government reserve seats
       WHAT NEXT:        several of the complaints that have been lodged  on the board of the country’s new regulatory
       Compensation for host   against the bill.              agencies for representatives of PENGASSAN
       communities is still a                                 and NUPENG, they stated. This will help protect
       thorny issue and may   Fuel import restrictions        the interests of oil and gas workers, they said. It is
       continue to drive up   One of these complaints concerns the down-  also in line with global best practices and would
       production costs.  stream sector and access to the domestic petro-  help promote transparency and accountability
                         leum product market.                 in the oil and gas industry, they added. (More-
                           According to two Nigerian trade associations,  over, it has the support of the Nigeria Labour
                         the Major Oil Marketers Association of Nigeria  Congress, or NLC, according to a report from
                         (MOMAN) and the Depot and Product Market-  the Leadership newspaper.)
                         ers Association of Nigeria (DAPPMAN), the PIB   Vanguard’s sources also noted that NUPENG
                         includes provisions that allow only a few select  and PENGASSAN still oppose the provisions of
                         Nigerian refiners to import petroleum products.  the PIB that called for the establishment of two
                         In a joint statement, the groups reported that  regulatory agencies – one to oversee downstream
                         these restrictions covered all types of refined  and midstream activities and another to over-
                         fuels – even those for which Abuja has already  see upstream activities. The unions continue to
                         liberalised the rules governing permission to  believe that the industry would be better served
                         import, such as base oils, diesel, kerosene and  by the formation of a single agency that could
                         LPG. They also alleged that the restrictive pro-  serve as a “one-stop shop” for investors, they said.
                         visions had been introduced secretly during the  They also maintain that doing so would stream-
                         legislative process.                 line interactions between investors and the gov-
                           Clement Isong, the CEO of MOMAN, and  ernment, they commented.
                         Olufemi Adewole, the executive secretary of
                         DAPPMAN, said in the letter that they wanted  Weights and measures
                         to ensure that there was a level playing field  Meanwhile, Nigeria’s Federal Ministry of Indus-
                         for Nigerian companies. If only a few refinery  tries, Trade and Investment has complained
                         operators have the ability to import petroleum  about provisions of the PIB that pertain to
                         products, the domestic fuel market will be less  weight and measurement standards.
                         competitive and prices are likely to rise, they   In a note submitted to the National Assembly
                         wrote. “Allowing imports by major players  earlier this week, the ministry expressed concern
                         across the supply chain will protect consum-  about the possibility that the bill might encroach
                         ers by ensuring that local pump prices are not  upon its own authority by assigning responsibil-
                         higher than regional or international prices,”  ity for maintaining certain standards – namely:
                         they added.                          “verification/fiscalisation, calibration and certifi-
                           MOMAN and DAPPMAN are not the only  cation of all measuring instruments used at both
                         critics of these provisions, according to Van-  upstream and downstream sectors of the petro-
                         guard. Sources told the newspaper last week that  leum industry in line with international prac-
                         the Nigeria Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas  tices and procedures; quantity determination of

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