Page 7 - DMEA Week 29 2021
P. 7

DMEA                                         COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

                         petroleum and gas products for trade purposes”  the head of an organisation known as the Host
                         – to the new regulatory agencies that will oversee  Communities of Nigeria Producing Oil and
                         the hydrocarbon industry.            Gas (HOSTCOM), suggested earlier this week
                           It also alleged that this change had been intro-  that the Nigerian government could easily meet
                         duced secretly, as it had not been in the original  the host communities’ demands for more com-
                         version of the PIB.                  pensation by reducing the incentives offered for
                           Taking this step is unnecessary, since the  development in other parts of the country. Spe-
                         Federal Ministry of Industries, Trade and Invest-  cifically, he recommended that Abuja cut the rate
                         ment already has experts trained in the oil and  of compensation for work in northern frontier
                         gas industry on staff and does not need to have  provinces from 30% to 10% so that southern host
                         these functions duplicated, the note asserted. It  communities could also receive 10%.
                         also goes against industry practices and conven-
                         tions around the world to make sector-specific  Long-standing problems linger
                         regulatory agencies responsible for standardisa-  Thus far, Nigeria’s government has not
                         tion of weights and measures within that sector,  responded formally to any of the complaints
                         it added.                            mentioned in this essay – and this is reasonable,
                                                              given that the Senate and House of Representa-
                         Host community compensation          tives have not yet officially wrapped up the har-
                         The PIB has also attracted criticism for the  monisation process so that the PIB can be sent
                         approach it takes to the sharing of revenues with  to Buhari.
                         host communities in the southern part of the   Nevertheless, these objections indicate that
                         country.                             the bill, in its current form, will not resolve all
                           The bill calls for communities in which  of the problems that have been acting as a drag
                         onshore oil and gas fields are located to be  on the performance of the oil and gas industry.
                         granted a share of revenues equivalent to at least  This is particularly true with respect to debates
                         3% of operating expenditures. (The Senate’s ver-  over host community compensation, as resi-
                         sion of the PIB set the rate at 3%, while the ver-  dents of southern Nigeria have been complain-
                         sion passed by the House of Representative fixed  ing for decades that both the government and
                         it at 5%.) Peter Akpatason, the deputy majority  international oil companies (IOCs) ignore their
                         leader of the House, described 5% as a compro-  needs and neglect their obligations to repair the
                         mise figure on which deputies had settled after  environmental damage caused by oil and gas
                         vigorous debate.                     operations.
                           However, a number of public figures –   In other words, the PIB may not serve to set-
                         including representatives of host communities  tle the tensions that have characterised relations
                         in the states of Abia, Ondo, Edo and Delta, as  between the federal government and residents
                         well as the governors of several southern states  of the Niger River Delta for so long. As a result,
                         – have argued that the rate of compensation is  companies that work in southern Nigeria may
                         still too low and ought to be 10%. Likewise, Chief  continue to pay a security premium of sorts.
                         Edwin Clark, the national leader of the Pan-Ni-  Minister of State for Petroleum Resources Tim-
                         ger Delta Forum (PANDEF), has denounced the  pre Sylva made this point on July 12, noting that
                         PIB’s compensation plan as “satanic and unjust”,  production costs were higher in Nigeria because
                         calling for the number to be raised to 10%.  of the need to provide protection to oil and gas
                           For his part, Benjamin Style Tamanarebi,  facilities.™

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