Page 13 - GLNG Week 48 2022
P. 13
Ruvuma PSA revised to facilitate
faster gas development
PROJECTS SHAREHOLDERS in the Ruvuma licence area heads TPDC.
in southern Tanzania have revised their produc- Charlie Santos, Aminex’s executive chair-
tion-sharing agreement (PSA) with the aim of man, expressed satisfaction with the adoption
accelerating the development of their natural gas of the revisions to the PSA. “We are delighted
resources as much as possible. that another essential stage in developing the
According to a statement from Aminex (Ire- Ruvuma asset has been reached,” he said.
land), a non-operating shareholder in Ruvuma, “The signing ceremony was a tangible sign
project operator ARA Petroleum Tanzania Ltd of the Government of Tanzania’s strong com-
(APT), a subsidiary of ARA Petroleum of Oman, mitment to the Ruvuma project, highlighting
and its partners signed an addendum to the PSA their diligent effort to increase energy produc-
in Dar es Salaam on November 25. The changes tion, a cornerstone of the country’s economic
aim to accelerate upstream production work at development.
Ntorya, the biggest gas field within the Ruvuma “The Ruvuma PSA addendum is just the latest
PSA. demonstration of the determination of all parties
However, they will also facilitate the con- to work constructively and rapidly together to
struction of a 30-km pipeline linking the Ntorya advance this significant project for the further
field to an existing processing and pumping sta- development of the Tanzanian energy sector.”
tion at Madimba. According to previous reports, APT is now slated to spud the Chikumbi-1
Tanzania Petroleum Development Corp. (CH-1) well at Ntorya in March 2023 and hopes
(TPDC), the national oil company (NOC), will to begin production in early 2024. The cost of
build the pipe. the ongoing work programme may run up to
At the signing ceremony, Tanzania’s Energy $140mn by then, and Aminex’s carried share of
Minister January Makamba said his country’s the total comes to $35mn.
government was determined to bring Ntorya’s Equity in the Ruvuma block is currently
gas resources on stream as soon as possible. split between APT (50%), AIM-listed Scirocco
Accelerating upstream development work on Energy (25%) and Aminex (25%). Ntorya, the
the Ruvuma project will play a key role in ensur- main field at Ruvuma, may hold as much as 3bn
ing the coverage of the country’s short- to medi- cubic feet (84.96 mcm) of gas.
um-term gas needs, added Makamba, who also
Week 48 01•December•2022 www. NEWSBASE .com P13