Page 14 - GLNG Week 48 2022
P. 14
Kanfer Shipping will supply
ships for Nimofast’s LNG hub
NORWAY’S Kanfer Shipping has agreed to sup- partnership agreement with Kanfer would allow
SHIPPING port Nimofast Brasil, a trading company based Nimofast to establish a fully integrated solution
in Curitiba, in its efforts to establish an LNG hub for LNG sales and supplies at its new terminal.
for small- and medium-scale buyers on the Bra- The LNG vessels and bunkering ships supplied
zilian coast. by the Norwegian partner will be able to take fuel
Kanfer explained in a statement last week that from the FSU terminal to customers for delivery,
the two companies would be working together he explained. This, in turn, will put Nimofast in a
under a newly signed strategic partnership position to serve the growing market for small-
agreement. Under this document, the Norwe- and medium-scale LNG purchases, he said.
gian company will help Nimofast secure LNG “We noticed that many clients in Brazil either
shipping and bunkering solutions to support require relatively small volumes of LNG or do
the import and distribution terminal it is estab- not have suitable port infrastructure to build or
lishing in the state of Paraná. These solutions will to justify their own LNG import terminal,” he
allow the Brazilian partner to sell and deliver commented. “Via the partnership with Kanfer
LNG cargoes of any volume to any location along Shipping, we are able to offer and deliver LNG
Brazil’s coast. to any customer along the Brazilian coastline
The Brazilian company has said it intends regardless of the requested volumes or port draft
to set up the terminal on the basis of a floating limitations.”
storage unit (FSU) that will be permanently Nimofast believes LNG bunkering is a
anchored at a port in Paraná. The terminal will “growth market to meet environmental and
be capable of handling about 600,000 tonnes economic objectives by using LNG as a fuel in
per year (tpy) of LNG, equivalent to 2mn cubic shipping,” he added.
metres per day of natural gas. For his part, Kanfer’s CEO Stig Hagen
Nimofast has already finalised off-take agree- expressed satisfaction with the agreement. “We
ments with two Brazilian clients – GNLink Dis- are very much looking forward to cooperating
tribuidora de Gás Natural SA, a firm controlled with Nimofast by using our patented technolo-
by the asset manager Lorinvest, and Migratio gies to improve both the availability and accessi-
Gas, an energy trader. Ramon Reis, Nimofast’s bility of LNG for the customers in Brazil, as well
president, said in early November that these two as being cost-efficient,” he said. “Kanfer’s innova-
companies had agreed to take delivery of suffi- tive small-scale solutions for sea transport, stor-
cient volumes to justify a final investment deci- age and bunkering create a virtual LNG pipeline,
sion (FID) on the project. solving a critical gas in the LNG supply chain.”
Reis said last week that the strategic
P14 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 48 01•December•2022