Page 15 - DMEA Week 22 2022
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DMEA                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

       contribution to support the diversification   companies for local and global investors. This   platform and lead the petrochemical industry
       of Abu Dhabi’s buoyant and dynamic equity   is a defining moment for the UAE’s capital   transition.”
       capital market and reinforces ADNOC’s   and regulatory markets. As Abu Dhabi’s   Founded in 1998 as a strategic joint
       continued role as the critical enabler of growth  International Financial Centre, we’re seeing a   venture between ADNOC and Borealis,
       and expansion of the UAE economy and   significant increase in companies registering   Borouge is one of the world’s leading
       private sector and in solidifying Abu Dhabi’s   in ADGM and exploring listings in the   providers of innovative and differentiated
       position as global investment destination of   UAE to capitalise on the strong local and   polyolefin solutions for the agriculture,
       choice.                             international investor demand for the UAE’s   infrastructure, energy, packaging, mobility
         “As part of our ongoing value creation   national champions. As a destination of choice  and healthcare industries. With the landmark
       programme, we will continue to unlock   that helps businesses thrive, ADGM will   IPO offering local and international investors
       opportunities to expand our investor base   continue to support organisations across Abu   the opportunity to own shares in one of
       and access to capital, while providing   Dhabi to achieve their ambitions.”  the world’s leading petrochemical players,
       domestic and international investors with   Hisham Khalid Malak, Chairman of   Borouge expects to pay a dividend of $975
       the opportunity to invest and partake in   the ADX, commented, “We congratulate   million for the fiscal year 2022; and to pay a
       the growth of our world-class portfolio of   Borouge on their successful IPO, and we are   dividend of no less than $1.3 billion for fiscal
       energy assets. Working closely with our long-  excited to welcome them on the Abu Dhabi   year 2023, equivalent to a 6.5% dividend yield
       standing strategic partner Borealis, ADNOC   Securities Exchange as one of the largest   based on the offer share price.
       will remain a committed majority shareholder   IPOs in the history of our dynamic exchange,   Over the last six years, ADNOC has
       in Borouge, and we look forward to delivering   marking yet another immense milestone   actively managed its businesses and
       sustainable growth and long-term benefits for   for us. Borouge is a prime example of the   capital and successfully developed a more
       Abu Dhabi, the UAE, and our shareholders.”  strong and global partnerships that Abu   open, flexible and innovative partnership
         Borealis CEO, Thomas Gangl, commented,   Dhabi continues to foster, which have led to   model across its integrated upstream and
       “The extraordinary subscription numbers and   Borouge going from strength to strength as a   downstream value chain. This value creation
       interest in becoming a shareholder of Borouge   leading petrochemicals firm. ADX is proud   and growth strategy is enabled by a $127
       underpin the attractiveness of the company   of the central and pivotal role it continues to   billion (AED466 billion) capital investment
       and the growth path Borealis and ADNOC   play in Abu Dhabi’s economic diversification   programme across the Group between 2022
       have been embarking on successfully over   efforts as we seek to attract further world-  to 2026.
       the years. The successful IPO facilitates the   class companies that deliver a wide range of   Borouge employs over 3,100 people and
       expansion of the Group towards its next   products and services and add diversification   serves customers in more than 50 countries
       milestone, Borouge 4, and the ongoing efforts   to our growing offering and capital market   across Asia, the Middle East and Africa.
       in providing innovative and differentiated   ecosystem.”                 Upon listing, ADNOC will continue to own a
       polyolefin solutions. Borealis, together with   Hazeem Sultan Al Suwaidi, Chief Executive  majority 54% stake in Borouge, while Borealis
       its long-standing partner ADNOC, continues   Officer of Borouge, said, “We are proud to   ME will hold 36%.
       to be a proud shareholder and welcomes   have completed this highly successful IPO   WAM
       the new shareholder base and opportunity   and to begin our first day of trading on
       for investors to participate in the attractive   ADX. Borouge has seen exceptionally strong   EFG Hermes concludes
       journey ahead for the company.”     demand from regional and international
         Ahmed Jasim Al Zaabi, Chairman of   investors, with significant cornerstone   role as Borouge joint
       ADGM, said, “We congratulate Borouge   commitments from high-quality investors,
       on this important milestone and the   a clear indicator of the strength of our   bookrunner
       significant interest it has generated the world   investment thesis and strategic roadmap. We
       over. Despite volatile global markets, high   are excited to welcome our new shareholders,   EFG Hermes’ investment banking division
       investor interest in Borouge demonstrates   and we will continue to focus on driving our   has successfully concluded its role as joint
       the untapped potential and value of UAE   strategy to grow our innovative polyolefins   bookrunner on Borouge’s $2bn (Dhs7.35bn)

       Week 22   02•June•2022                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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