Page 16 - DMEA Week 22 2022
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DMEA                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             DMEA

       initial public offering (IPO) on the Abu Dhabi   “We’re extremely proud of this transaction-   offerings in the region that are fueling
       Securities Exchange (ADX).          as we continue to play a proactive role in   economic growth, creating jobs, enhancing
         The transaction marks the largest-ever   enriching the Emirati market and the Middle   competitiveness, and broadening investment
       listing in Abu Dhabi’s history since ADNOC   East at large with a multitude of accretive   opportunities in the GCC.”
       Drilling’s $1.1bn (Dhs4bn) IPO.     investment prospects,” said Mohamed Fahmi,   EFG Hermes Investment Banking has also
         Borouge is a global petrochemicals   EFG Hermes’ co-head of Investment Banking.   served as advisor and joint bookrunner on the
       producer specialising in value-creating plastic   “Despite the macroeconomic turbulence that   Dhs22.4bn listing of DEWA; joint bookrunner
       solutions for agriculture, infrastructure,   continues to pose a threat to global markets,   on the Dhs2.9bn listing of Fertiglobe; joint
       energy, packaging, mobility, and healthcare   the UAE still manages to hold its stance as a   bookrunner on the Dhs4bn listing of ADNOC
       purposes. It has a team of over 3,100   promising and resilient equity market.  Drilling on ADX; joint bookrunner on the
       employees and serves a customer-base   “The nation’s recent IPOs, which boomed   Dhs2.7bn listing of Yahsat on ADX; and joint
       spanning over 50 countries across Asia, the   particularly in 2021, have garnered significant   bookrunner and underwriter on Alkhorayef
       Middle East and Africa.             investor interest, solidifying the UAE’s   Water & Power Technologies’ $144m IPO on
         The company listed 3 billion shares on June   position as a highly favourable destination   Tadawul.
       3 - 10 per cent of its share capital- at a share   for equity investors. Borouge’s deal comes   GULF BUSINESS
       price of Dhs2.45.                   as the latest addition to a series of megahit

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 22   02•June•2022
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