Page 15 - LatAmOil Week 09 2022
P. 15

LatAmOil                           NEWS IN BRIEF                                                   LatAmOil

       Secondly, the increase in production was the  the first two wells drilled in Salta in the current  accountability for results.
       direct result of successful drilling and workover  programme have been in successful commercial   Jordan Coleman, our hard-working COO
       campaigns; in the Acordionero and Costay-  production for over one week.  for Latin America, will continue to work with
       aco oilfields; combined with ongoing water-  Well DP 2001, currently successfully com-  Daniel during the transition. His future focus
       flood optimisation throughout the Company’s  mercially producing in the first phase of testing  will centre on our Paraguay exploration project,
       portfolio.                          will within the next 10 days undergo planned  overseeing the business in the United States as
         “After the many challenges in 2020 that the  stimulation in two parts under the second phase  well as providing such continuing support for
       world faced, 2021 was a year of strong recovery  of the production testing programme. Whilst  Daniel as may be necessary.
       for the energy industry and Gran Tierra. Our  each well behaves differently there is no present   Peter Levine, Chairman, commented: “Pres-
       top tier, low-decline, onshore, conventional  evidence to expect post stimulation anything  ident has many things to look forward to in
       asset base continued to prove its high quality  materially contrary to the stated well perfor-  2022 from a very robust trading, shareholder
       as the Company returned to strong growth in  mance expectations in this well of approximately  and strategic relationship base. The production
       2021 in production, reserves, funds flow from  250 bpd.                  news today announced are welcome additions to
       operations, free cash flow and after-tax NAV per   Well DP 2003 is in an earlier stage of first  Group cash flow. The future for President must
       share,” said Gary Guidry, president and CEO.  phase of production testing although it is already  be driven by a dynamic, motivated and incen-
         In addition, the Company’s total current  clearly commercial.          tivised operations and management team able
       average production is approximately 30,000 bpd.   As such testing will continue for a period of  to capitalise on these attributes to expand the
       The current production level demonstrates the  time to optimise production and assess reservoir  Group materially, particular in different geogra-
       effectiveness of the Company’s water flooding  capabilities, the drilling rig has moved to and is  phies. Daniel’s appointment is a part of this strat-
       operations. Also, Gran Tierra forecasts 2022 pro-  in the process of setting up at well PG 13-1 at the  egy and we welcome him to the Group.”
       duction of 30,500-32,500 bpd, a 15-23% increase  Puesto Guardian field within the Salta Conces-  President Energy, March 1 2022
       from 2021.                          sion, some 45 km away from the Dos Puntitas
         Projects for the next months: Consequently,  field. This well is planned to be a side track from   PetroTal says production
       this projected 2022 manufacture increase would  an existing well location. Work is currently pro-
       result from the drilling programme of 14-16  jected to commence this week with timing for   levels have gone down due
       wells in Acordionero; four to five in Costayaco,  the drilling rig work approximately 21 days.
       and three wells in Moqueta. Finally, Gran Tierra   The benefit of the recent increased produc-  to social unrest
       plans to drill six to seven exploration wells in  tion is already being felt in Salta where realised
       2022.                               domestic prices are currently approximately $60  PetroTal advises that it has reduced production
         “Looking to 2022, we are very excited for our  per barrel.             to ensure field safety and manage storage levels
       planned development drilling programmes in   Management update: The Company is  due to social protests at PetroTal’s loading dock.
       the Middle Magdalena Valley and Putumayo  pleased to announce that it has recruited Dan-  On February 28, 2022, a small group from
       Basins in Colombia. And the restart of our  iel Musri, an Argentine national, to the position  the Asociación Indígena de Desarrollo y Con-
       exploration drilling programme, in which we  of CEO of President Argentina. Whilst it is a  servación de Bajo Puinahua (AIDECOBAP)
       expect to include our first exploration wells in  non-main board position, Daniel has overall  commenced gathering outside the Bretaña oil-
       Ecuador,” said Guidry.              responsibility for President’s operations in that  field that led to access to the Company’s load-
       Gran Tierra Energy, March 1 2022    country. Daniel, who joins us from Vista Oil  ing dock being blocked. To ensure employee/
                                           and Gas, the Mexico/Argentina public oil and  contractor safety and minimise environmental
       President Energy                    gas company, is a reservoir engineer by training  risk, the Company has constrained its produc-
                                           and, prior to Vista, worked for 10 years as Vice  tion level to approximately 4,000 barrels per day
       announces production                President for Schlumberger in their Production  (bpd) of oil, accumulating into field storage facil-
                                           Management arm, and before that for 18 years at  ities, while aiding in protest negotiations.
       success in Argentina                the large Argentine oil and gas company Perez   ment of their demands from the government.
                                                                                  AIDECOBAP continues to push for fulfill-
                                           Companc, rising from junior reservoir engi-
       AIM-listed President Energy has provided an  neer to asset manager. Daniel has been tasked  AIDECOBAP claims they are being persecuted
       operational and management update, including  with reviewing all operations within President’s  by the government for protesting their requests.
       production success in Argentina.    Argentinian business with a view to improving  They are also requesting the establishment of an
         Puesto Guardian Concession, Salta, Argen-  the returns from these operations and ensuring  indigenous trust to allow them to execute pro-
       tina: The Company is pleased to announce that  targets that are set are met with the appropriate  jects whose funding was approved by the gov-
                                                                                ernment in late 2020 to reduce the basic needs
                                                                                gap in local communities. Lastly, AIDECOBAP
                                                                                is also requesting that the government expedite
                                                                                the formalisation of the Bretaña 2.5% social
                                                                                fund, offered by PetroTal, into the Block 95
                                                                                license contract.
                                                                                  For the second fortnight of January and all
                                                                                of February 2022, PetroTal had been segregat-
                                                                                ing the 2.5% social fund into a separate bank
                                                                                account, but due to the current protests and
                                                                                resulting production curtailment, no funds will
                                                                                be allocated for the upcoming fortnight as per
                                                                                the guidelines of the social trust.

       Week 09   03•March•2022                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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