Page 16 - LatAmOil Week 09 2022
P. 16

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       The Company is also monitoring the progress
       of necessary maintenance repairs to the North-
       ern Peruvian Pipeline (ONP). While the repairs
       have been ongoing, PetroTal has been selling oil
       through the Brazil export route. Last month the
       Company completed a 240,000 barrel oil sale
       through Brazil, for the first time without diluent
       blending, which will have a positive impact on
       diluent costs in Q1-2022.
       PetroTal, March 3 2022

       NG Energy says Maria

       Conchita environmental

       license modified to include


       NG Energy International Corp. is pleased to
       announce that the National Authority of Envi-
       ronmental Licenses (ANLA) has granted the
       amended environmental license for Maria Con-
       chita to include the Aruchara-1 well. This is a
       transformational milestone for the Company
       as it permits production from the Aruchara-1
       well and allows NGE to lay the remaining 40
       meters of flow line connecting the well to the gas  a clean and sustainable solution to Colombia’s   Discovered in 2012 and located 185 km from
       plant. It also enables the Company to complete  energy needs.            the coast, the Bacalhau field is at a water depth
       the connection point to the Transportadora de   The Company intends on executing this  of 2,050 metres in the presalt Santos basin. The
       Gas Internacional (TGI) main pipeline, which  mission by producing and bringing gas to the  development will consist of 19 subsea wells tied
       will transport natural gas from Maria Conchita  premium priced Colombian gas market from its  back to one of the largest floating production,
       to market.                          concessions, SN-9, a 311,353-acre block which  storage and offloading units (FPSO) in Brazil.
         Further to the Company’s press release on  is adjacent to Canacol’s Nelson field, as well as  The first oil is planned in 2024.
       January 18, 2022, the Company has made sig-  Maria Conchita, a 32,518-acre block located   After a comprehensive design phase to meet
       nificant progress with low-pressure, mid-pres-  in the region of La Guajira. NGE’s team has  the expectations of Bacalhau field operator
       sure and high-pressure nitrogen testing of the  extensive technical expertise and a proven track  Equinor, OneSubsea® selected the Vallourec
       gas plant facilities after which NGE will begin  record of building companies and creating value  high-performance solution for the Open Water
       testing the facilities with natural gas once the  in South America.      Intervention Riser System (OWIRS). This solu-
       Aruchara-1 wellhead is connected to the plant   NG Energy International, March 3 2022  tion is based on seamless shaped steel pipes
       in the coming days.                                                      equipped with a special premium VAM® TTR
         The amended  license  authorises  NGE   OneSubsea® awards              HW NA connection to cope with fatigue condi-
       to commence extended well testing at the                                 tions and the sea corrosive environment.
       Aruchara-1 well in order to evaluate the pro-  Vallourec contract to       Vallourec PFP® tube mill in Aulnoye-Aymer-
       ductivity and characteristics of the reservoir, and                      ies (North of France) will produce shaped pipes
       define the best production method for achieving   supply work-over risers for   whose upset ends will also be threaded on site.
       maximum recovery from the field. Gas used for                              “We are very proud to have been selected by
       pressure testing will be flared and once complete,   Bacalhau field      OneSubsea® and Equinor for the Bacalhau pro-
       gas produced during extended testing will be                             ject. Being selected for the supply of a demand-
       commercialised.                     Vallourec, a world leader in premium tubular  ing open water intervention riser system gives
         As per the Company’s press release on August  solutions, has been awarded a contract by One-  us an opportunity to prove that our shaped
       31, 2020, the Aruchara-1 well was successfully  Subsea®, the subsea technologies, production,  pipes are highly efficient and competitive. Our
       re-entered and tested 7-11mn cubic feet per day  and processing systems division of Schlum-  Aulnoye-Aymeries PFP® tube mill has unique
       per zone across three different zones through  berger, to supply 3,000 meters of upset riser  capabilities to manufacture reliable pipes with
       separate drill string tests (DST) with a 48/64”  joints equipped with VAM® TTR HW NA con-  upset ends, optimised body weight and versatile
       choke. Management expects production to be  nection for the Bacalhau Project offshore Brazil.  options for VAM® or customer-supplied connec-
       16-20 mcf per day.                  The contract was awarded on behalf of Subsea  tions” said Hubert Paris, Senior Vice President
         NG Energy International Corp. is a publicly  Integration Alliance, a strategic global alliance  Europe/Africa.
       traded E&P company on a mission to provide  between Subsea 7 and OneSubsea®.  Vallourec, March 2 2022

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 09   03•March•2022
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