Page 12 - DMEA Week 39 2021
P. 12

DMEA                                            REFINING                                               DMEA

       Libya approves establishment

       of refinery near El Sharara

        AFRICA           THE Libyan government this week announced  country’s oilfields and terminals, have been dis-
                         that it had approved plans for the establishment  rupted at various points over the past decade.
                         of an oil refinery in the area surrounding the   In March, a Paris court of appeal had upheld
                         country’s largest oilfield – El Sharara – in the  an arbitration ruling against Libyan Emirates Oil
                         south-west.                          Refining Co. (LERCO) pertaining to the closure
                           Announcement of the approval was given  of Ras Lanuf refinery in 2013.
                         by government spokesman Mohamed Hamuda   LERCO, which is a joint venture between
                         following the seventh regular cabinet meeting  NOC and a subsidiary of the UAE’s Al Ghurair
                         on September 27. He said that the facility would  Group, operates the 200,000 bpd facility. The
                         produce LPG while noting that the approval  appeal relates to an arbitration ruling in 2018
                         mandates that the government’s royalties and  relating to a complex dispute between the parties
                         taxes paid by foreign companies as well as rev-  that led to the refinery being closed.
                         enues from concessions will be reinvested in   Attempts to restart the plant faltered and
                         maintenance work.                    plans to invest $2bn in the refinery had to be
                           He did not provide any further detail about  shelved, leading to disagreements over the finan-
                         the planned refinery, but plans have previously  cial management of the plant.
                         been announced for the construction of a 50,000   Via social media, NOC said that the Paris
                         barrel per day (bpd) near El Sharara.  court had upheld the ruling that instructed
                           In 2013, then Prime Minister Ali Zeidan said  LERCO to pay NOC more than $115mn plus
                         that the plant would be built in Awbari, around  interest, which amounted to $132mn as of Feb-
                         55 km to the east of the oilfield, with a larger,  ruary 28. The court also confirmed LERCO’s
                         300,000 bpd unit to be built in the northern  obligations under a take-or-pay contract and
                         coastal city of Tobruk. The units were intended  ordered the company to pay $120,000 in costs.
                         to cater to local fuel demand.         Sanalla said: “NOC is the trusted guardian of
                           Libya’s current refining slate comprises facili-  the Libyan oil wealth. It has not and will never
                         ties at Ras Lanuf (220,000 bpd), Zawiya (120,000  hesitate to take the steps necessary to protect and
                         bpd), Tobruk (20,000 bpd) and Sarir (10,000  preserve that wealth.”
                         bpd), all of which are operated by the National   The company added it would “take all neces-
                         Oil Corp. (NOC).                     sary steps to enforce its rights under the award
                           Operations at each of these, like those at the  and the court’s decision”.™

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 39   30•September•2021
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