Page 8 - DMEA Week 39 2021
P. 8

DMEA                                      POLICY & SECURITY                                            DMEA

       Buhari nominates members of

       govt’s new industry agencies

        AFRICA           NIGERIAN President Muhammadu Buhari has  sector; he currently serves as chairman of United
                         asked members of the Senate, the upper chamber  Securities Ltd and also sits on the board of Cor-
                         of the National Assembly, to confirm his nomi-  onation Merchant Bank and Marina Securities
                         nees for the boards of the Nigerian Midstream  Ltd. Ukoha is an oil and gas lawyer who heads
                         and Downstream Petroleum Regulatory Author-  U&A Attorneys, an Abuja-based law firm. No
                         ity (NMDPRA) and the Upstream Regulatory  information was available as of press time on
                         Commission (URC), the two new state agencies  Adeniji’s background.
                         that will oversee the country’s oil and gas sector.  Meanwhile, Buhari’s URC nominees were Isa
                           In a letter delivered to the Senate last week,  Modibo, Gbenga Komolafe, Hassan Gambo and
                         Buhari named his nominees to the NMDPRA  Rose Ndong.
                         board as Idaere Ogan, Sarki Auwalu, Abiodun   The president said he was naming Mod-
                         Adeniji and Ogbugo Ukoha.            ibo as the board’s chairman, Komolafe as chief
                           He said he was nominating Ogan to serve  executive, Gambo as executive commissioner
                         as the board’s chairman, Auwalu as chief exec-  for finance and accounts and Ndong as execu-
                         utive, Adeniji as executive director for finance  tive commissioner for exploration and acreage
                         and accounts and Ukoha as executive direc-  management.
                         tor for distributions systems, storage and retail   Komolafe is the group general manager of
                         infrastructure.                      NNPC’s crude oil marketing division and has
                           Earlier this week, Buhari revised his request,  also held high-ranking positions within PPMC
                         removing Auwalu from the list of nominees to  and government agencies, including the Petro-
                         the NMDPRA board and putting Farouk Ahmed  leum Equalisation Fund (PEF) and the Petro-
                         forward as a replacement.            leum  Products  Pricing  Regulatory  Agency
                           Ahmed has held a number of high-ranking  (PPPRA).
                         positions within Nigerian National Petroleum   Ndong is affiliated with the Nigerian Geo-
                         Corp. (NNPC), including special advisor to Mele  logical Survey Agency (NGSA), a division of the
                         Kyari, the state-owned company’s group manag-  Ministry of Mines and Steel Development. No
                         ing director, and has served as head of Petroleum  information was available as of press time on the
                         Products Marketing Co. (PPMC), a subsidiary  background of Modibo or Gambo. Both NMD-
                         of NNPC.                             PRA and URC are being established within the
                           For his part, Ogan is a former diplomat with  framework of the Petroleum Industry Act (PIA),
                         extensive experience in the financial services  Nigeria’s new oil and gas law.™

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