Page 4 - DMEA Week 39 2021
P. 4

DMEA                                          COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

       Jazan deal done as

       petchem players

       eye merger

       The partners developing a major new power and utilities plant in
       southern Saudi Arabia have finally reached terms that will allow them

       to progress while merger talks move forward for two petchem players.

        MIDDLE EAST      SAUDI Aramco, Air Products, ACWA Power  Co. (SAPCO) and 9% by Air Products Qudra.
                         and Air Products Qudra announced this week  This gives Air Products a net ownership of 50.6%
                         that they had signed ‘definitive’ agreements to  thanks to its stake in the Air Products Qudra JV.
       WHAT:             acquire the assets and finance their planned joint   ASUs, gasification, syngas clean-up, utility
       Aramco, Air Products,   venture (JV) in Jazan Economic City.  and power assets will be purchased from Ara-
       ACWA Power and Air   Meanwhile, two significant players in the  mco, which will supply feedstock to the facility.
       Products Qudra have   country’s petrochemicals industry announced   In turn, the Jazan unit will produce 3.8 GW
       agreed terms for the   non-binding plans to merge as they seek to  of power, 585,000 tonnes per hour of steam,
       acquisition of assets and   compete with consolidated efforts by larger  184,000 cubic metres per hour of hydrogen
       finance for the multi-  companies.                     and other utilities for Aramco, the JV said in a
       billion-dollar Jazan IGCC.                             statement.
                         Long-awaited progress                  The JV owns and operates the facility under
       WHY:              The Jazan partners announced plans for the $8bn  a 25-year contract, for which it will pay monthly
       The facility is a key part   Jazan Integrated Gas Combined-Cycle (IGCC)  fees to Aramco. The private partners are carrying
       of efforts to develop the   plant in 2018, but the project, which covers air  out a design-build contract awarded in 2015 cov-
       south-eastern Jazan   separation unit (ASU), gasification and power,  ering the air separation unit and oxygen supply
       Economic City where   is now expected to come in at an estimated cost  facility – at capacity of 20,000 tonnes per day of
       Aramco is continuing   of $12bn.                       oxygen and 55,000 tpd of nitrogen billed as the
       to start-up a major new   The JV is 46% owned by Air Products, 25%  world’s largest industrial gases complex – at the
       refinery.         by ACWA Power, 20% by Saudi Aramco Power  4,000-MW plant.

       WHAT NEXT:
       SIIG and Petrochem
       appear set to consolidate
       their efforts to compete in
       the Saudi petrochemical

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