Page 5 - DMEA Week 39 2021
P. 5

DMEA                                         COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

                           The remainder of the original IGCC project  investment and private sector involvement.”
                         is being executed on an engineering, procure-  Al Qahtani noted that $7.2bn of funding for
                         ment and construction (EPC) basis – with Italy’s  the project was secured by the Saudi Industrial
                         Saipem, China’s Sepco and Spain’s Tecnicas Reu-  Development Fund (SIDF) and 23 local and
                         nidas winning the four main packages in 2014.  international lenders.

                         Importance                           Petchem merger
                         The new facility will serve Aramco’s 400,000 bar-  Elsewhere in the Saudi downstream, plans were
                         rel per day (bpd) Jazan Refinery that came into  announced this week for a merger between the
                         operation in March and is working to reach full  Saudi Industrial Investment Group (SIIG) and
                         capacity by mid-2022.                the National Petrochemical Co. (Petrochem).
                           It will produce ultra-light sulphur diesel, gas-  The two companies said on September 28
                         oline and other products.            that they had entered into a non-binding mem-
                           The facility is only 60 km from the Yemen  orandum of understanding (MoU) on the pro-
                         border and has come under repeated attack  posed move, which would see SIIG make a share
                         from the Houthis, with the most recent strike  exchange offer to acquire the remaining 50% of
                         happening in late July. Meanwhile, Jazan’s remote  Petrochem that it does not already own.
                         location means that crude must be shipped there   In separate announcements on the Saudi
                         from Gulf coast terminals.           stock exchange, the Tadawul All Share Index
                           Jazan has been the source of numerous head-  (TASI), they said that SIIG would pay Petrochem
                         aches for Aramco. In the company’s 2020 Annual  shareholders with new shares in SIIG, resulting
                         Report, it noted: “Saudi Aramco recognised an  in Petrochem’s delisting.
                         impairment of SAR13,646mn [$3.6bn] for the   SIIG would issue 1.27 shares for each share
                         year ended December 31, 2016 primarily related  held in Petrochem. According to Reuters, Pet-
                         to the Jazan integrated petrochemical refinery  rochem has a market capitalisation of around
                         under construction and two existing domestic  $6.3bn, with that of SIIG estimated at around
                         refineries.”                         $4.8bn and with the state holding shares of 25%
                           Delays were caused when the decision was  and 13.1% respectively in the two companies.
                         taken to move the under-construction refinery   The move comes as sales of petrochemical
                         to make way for new export facilities.  feedstocks have been boosted by the meteoric
                           Jazan will have a capacity to produce 209,900  rise in demand for personal protection equip-
                         bpd of ultra-low sulphur diesel, 71,400 bpd of 91  ment, with polypropylene prices increasing by
                         RON and 95 RON gasoline, 48,500 bpd of high  53% year on year during Q2 and up 9% com-
                         sulphur fuel oil and 6,700 bpd of LPG, according  pared to Q1 of this year.
                         to Aramco.                             The MoU is subject to the companies coming
                           In a statement, Aramco’s SVP of downstream  to terms on a final deal, according to SIIG, which
                         Mohammed Al Qahtani said: “Aramco orig-  added that it has brought in HSBC Saudi Arabia
                         inally built the world’s largest integrated gas-  to act as its financial advisor. Petrochem is being
                         ification combined cycle (IGCC) complex to  advised by GIB Capital.
                         employ gasification technology for the first time   Merger discussions were first reported last
                         in the Kingdom and to keep pace with the devel-  year following the closure of Aramco’s acqui-
                         opment of the Kingdom’s Southern Province  sition of a 70% share in Saudi Basic Industries
                         industrially and economically. This JV is meant  Corp. (SABIC) for $69.1bn from the Public
                         to be central to the self-sufficiency of our meg-  Investment Fund (PIF). That deal further con-
                         aprojects at Jazan.”                 solidated Aramco’s control over Saudi Arabia’s
                           He added: “We believe the JV will enhance  up-, mid- and downstream sectors and was
                         the overall value of the refinery and integrated  largely an accounting move, with the PIF fully
                         gasification combined cycle power plant, and  state-owned and Aramco effectively remaining
                         aid in transforming the province by position-  under state control despite its 2019 partial listing
                         ing Jazan Economic City for additional foreign  on TASI.™

       Week 39   30•September•2021              www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P5
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