Page 9 - GLNG Week 27 2022
P. 9

GLNG                                               ASIA                                               GLNG

       State agency backs North West Shelf

       extension, with environmental conditions

        PROJECTS         THE Western Australian Environmental Pro-  against the agency’s recommendations. Western
                         tection Authority (EPA) has backed a proposal  Australia’s Minister for Environment will then
                         to extend the lifespan of Woodside Energy’s  be tasked with making the final decision on
                         North West Shelf (NWS) LNG project by 50  whether to allow the NWS partners to proceed
                         years. However, the agency said it would back  with the extension project.
                         the extension on the condition that the facility   Woodside said the joint venture would “care-
                         achieves net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emis-  fully consider” the conditions outlined by the
                         sions over the remainder of this decade.  EPA.
                           The EPA has recommended that the facility   “At a time of heightened concern around
                         avoid, cut or offset all of its carbon dioxide (CO2)  energy security, the NWS Project has an impor-
                         emissions until 2029, while also cutting nitrogen  tant role to play in delivering natural gas to local
                         oxide (NOx) emissions, in part to protect the  and international customers, providing energy
                         rock art of the Murujuga indigenous people  that can support their decarbonisation commit-
                         against industrial pollution.        ments,” stated Woodside’s vice president of Aus-
                           “The EPA considers that there may be a threat  tralian operations, Fiona Hick.
                         of serious or irreversible damage to rock art from   The company also noted that the continued
                         industrial air emissions ... accelerating the natu-  development of gas via the NWS project aligned
                         ral weathering,” the EPA said in its assessment of  with its own climate strategy. This consists of two
                         the life extension plan.             elements – reducing Scope 1 and 2 emissions to
                           Woodside, its partners in the NWS project,  an aspiration of net zero by 2050 or sooner, and
                         environmental groups and any other interested  investing in products or services to help its cus-
                         parties were given three weeks to lodge appeals  tomers reduce their emissions™

       Pakistan fails to get single offer

       in latest LNG tender

        TENDERS          PAKISTAN has once again failed to receive a sin-  year.
                         gle offer in a tender for LNG spot cargoes, as the   The bid it received in late June from Qatar
                         country scrambles to find gas supply to ease the  Energy Trading, for example, was priced at $39.8
                         acute energy crisis it is experiencing.  per mmBtu. Pakistan has struggled to procure
                           The company invited bids from suppliers for  cargoes, as there is a limit to how much the coun-
                         two cargoes in July, followed by five in August  try can afford to pay, given it is trying to preserve
                         and three in September. The tender closed on  its foreign currency reserves.
                         July 7.                                Pakistan’s energy crisis has been exacerbated
                           It marks the fourth time in a month that Paki-  by low levels of hydropower generation and a
                         stan has failed to procure LNG in tender, reflect-  heatwave this year that has driven up demand
                         ing the global market’s tightness. State-owned  for energy. Many of its cities are now suffering
                         Pakistan LNG (PLL)’s previous competition in  from rolling blackouts, forcing the government
                         late June received only a single bid from Qatar  to resort to emergency measures such as ration-
                         Energy Trading for a single cargo for July 30-31.  ing electricity and limiting the working hours of
                         PLL had also wanted to secure cargoes on July  some factories and other businesses. Pakistan
                         3-4, July 8-9 and July 25-26.        has also ramped up power generation at coal and
                           For years, Pakistan has relied to a large degree  fuel oil-burning plants, driving up its emissions.
                         on spot LNG purchases, delivered to its two ter-  On July 6, Pakistan’s power minister Khurram
                         minals in Karachi. For many years this strategy  Dastgir noted that the 969-MW Neelum-Jhelum
                         has served it well, given that spot prices have  hydropower plant had been closed due to a mal-
                         generally been low for much of the past decade.  function, putting the country’s power system
                         However, this also means the country has been  under additional stress.™
                         hit hard by the LNG supply crunch over the past

       Week 27   08•July•2022                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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