Page 4 - LatAmOil Week 38
P. 4

LatAmOil                                      COMMENTARY                                            LatAmOil

                                                                                                   (Photo: Orinoco Tribune)

       Venezuela and Iran

       take the next step

       The latest tankers to bring Iranian fuel to Venezuela have also loaded up with crude oil for export

                         VENEZUELA’S oil industry has deteriorated   If they continue to do so, the US government
                         significantly since January 2019, when the US   is likely to react.
       WHAT:             government imposed sanctions on PdVSA,
       An Iranian tanker has   the national oil company (NOC). The signs of   Three fleets
       loaded up with Merey-16   decline have been obvious – falling production   Iran has sent three tanker fleets to Venezuela so
       crude for export.  levels, reduced refinery throughput and wide-  far this year, according to press reports.
                         spread fuel shortages.                 The first fleet consisted of five vessels, all
       WHY:                Nevertheless, Venezuela’s government has   filled with Iranian gasoline. These ships arrived
       The move is sure to irk   remained defiant, declaring its unwillingness to   at a Venezuelan port in late May and early June
       the US government, which   give in to the US campaign to topple the social-  and succeeded in discharging their cargo. They
       has discouraged trade   ist government of President Nicolas Maduro. It   then departed the South American country and
       with both Tehran and   has also turned to Iran, which is also under US   went on to their next assignment.
       Caracas.          sanctions, for help.                   The second fleet consisted of four ships.
                           That help has taken various forms, including   Again, all were loaded with Iranian gasoline.
       WHAT NEXT:        but not limited to shipments of Iranian fuel to   These vessels never arrived in Venezuela;
       Washington may step up   Venezuela by tanker and deliveries of Iranian   instead, they were confiscated by US officials
       enforcement of sanctions   refinery parts and equipment to Venezuela by   at sea in mid-August and then redirected to a
       and seize more Iranian
       cargoes.          plane. Within the last week, though, the parties   US port. Information posted on shipping traffic
                         have expanded the range of joint activities to   websites indicates that all four have unloaded
                         include Iranian-assisted exports of Venezuelan   their cargoes and moved on to their next
                         crude oil.                           assignments.

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 38   24•September•2020
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