Page 9 - LatAmOil Week 38
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LatAmOil                                           NRG                                             LatAmOil

                         Even so, PGNiG says the transaction will enable  More talk of carbon-neutral LNG
                         it to boost its output in Norway by 45% to 0.9  The idea of carbon-neutral LNG is being talked
                         bcm in 2021 versus the level last year. It expects  about with increasingly frequency, although
                         to  net  0.2  bcm  in  annual  gas  supply  from  it accounts for only a miniscule fraction of the
                         the fields between 2023 and 2028.    LNG market to date.
                                                                Six cargoes of LNG that can be described as
                         If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping   carbon-neutral have been traded to date. Four of
                         Europe’s oil and gas sector then please click here for   these were cargoes sold by Royal Dutch Shell that
                         NewsBase’s EurOil Monitor.           involved full-lifecycle carbon offsets, while one
                                                              was a partial offset by Japan’s JERA.
                         FSU: Rosneft projects take shape       There has also been a tender by Pavilion
                         Russia’s Finance Ministry has submitted several  Energy for offsets up to the point of delivery.
                         bills to the State Duma that would radically over-  Earlier this month, carbon-neutral LNG   Two sets of
                         haul the country’s oil taxation system, largely at a  was discussed at the Gastech Virtual Summit,
                         cost to producers.                   where speakers noted that the growing appe-  buyers could
                           The ministry has proposed changes to the  tite for offsetting emissions from the fuel would
                         excess profits tax (EPT) regime introduced last  raise its costs. However, such an increase in the   emerge on
                         year, which it previously said had caused a loss of  price of LNG would come at a time when low
                         over $3bn to the budget. It has also called for the  natural gas prices are key to displacing com-  LNG markets
                         removal of tax breaks at specific projects, moving  peting fuels, including coal, and to penetrating   if carbon-
                         some of those fields to the EPT regime instead.  emerging, price-sensitive markets in Asia. As
                           As analysts note, the changes appear to go  a result, the industry would need to be careful   neutral LNG
                         further than simply increasing oil industry tax  to balance decarbonisation with remaining
                         revenue. Rather, they seem aimed at streamlin-  cost-competitive.          becomes more
                         ing Russia’s excessively complex oil tax regime.  Wood Mackenzie’s principal analyst for
                           Generally, though, the impact will be nega-  Asia-Pacific gas and LNG, Lucy Cullen, told   commonplace
                         tive for oil producers, while gas producers are  Gastech that two sets of buyers could emerge on
                         unaffected. Gazprom Neft will be hit hardest,  the LNG market if carbon-neutral LNG becomes
                         losing up to 21% of its EBITDA if the ministry’s  more commonplace. The first set would be those
                         proposals are adopted. Tatneft might lose 20%,  that are more carbon-conscious and the second
                         while Lukoil’s earnings could lose 8%.  would be those that are more sensitive to price.
                           However, Russia’s biggest oil producer Ros-  The discussion about carbon-neutral LNG
                         neft will fare relatively well from the many  comes as Qatar – one of the leading producers
                         changes. Not only this; while the ministry’s pro-  of the super-chilled fuel – is seeking to undercut
                         posals are generally aimed at increasing the tax  competitors by developing significant new low-
                         burden, it has also called for greater tax breaks to  cost LNG capacity. This week, a warning came
                         be provided to Rosneft’s Priobskoye and Vankor  that this push to bring down the cost of LNG
                         oilfields. The latter will play a key role in the  could make it more difficult for producers in
                         company’s Vostok Oil megaproject in the Rus-  Australia and elsewhere to sanction new lique-
                         sian Arctic.                         faction projects.

                         If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping   If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping
                         the former Soviet Union’s oil and gas sector then   the global LNG sector then please click here for
                         please click here for NewsBase’s FSU Monitor .  NewsBase’s GLNG Monitor.

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