Page 6 - DMEA Week 21 2021
P. 6

DMEA                                              POLICY                                               DMEA

       Iraq removes MP immunity

       in move to tackle graft

        MIDDLE EAST      IRAQ’S political landscape could be about to  from the pivotal Common Seawater Supply Pro-
                         witness a major upheaval as the country’s top  ject (CSSP). Speaking to MEOG at the time, a
                         court this week stripped MPs of their parliamen-  source who worked closely with the Iraq govern-
                         tary immunity in a move that could allow cases  ment said that ExxonMobil had baulked at the
                         against officials to proceed.        prospect of having to pay out extensive bribes to
                           Iraq has long been one of the world’s most  middle and high-ranking officials, hidden under
                         corrupt countries, with MPs having enjoyed  various ‘miscellaneous’ headings in the accounts,
                         immunity which prevented their arrest or pros-  to continue to be a part of the project.
                         ecution without prior parliamentary agreement.   “For a US state corporate proxy like Exxon-
                         This allowed factions to make deals in order to  Mobil, the prospect of getting caught out paying
                         stall the progress of such cases to protect party  bribes was too much, however they were dressed
                         members.                             up,” he said.
                           However, earlier this week, President Barham   The same ‘miscellaneous’ payments were the
                         Salih said that “Of the close to [$1 trillion] made  reason why Iraq racked up $18bn or so of debt to
                         from oil since 2003, an estimated $150bn of sto-  IOCs over the years, based on very high head-
                         len money has been smuggled out of Iraq.”  line rates of compensation for participation in
                           The supreme court withdrew the privilege  projects, according to research carried out by
                         of requiring parliamentary approval “in all  MEOG at the time.
                         cases against House of Representatives mem-  In many of the basic long-term service con-
                         bers, whether crimes, misdemeanours or  tracts handed out at the time was an ‘infrastruc-
                         wrongdoing”.                         ture support payment’ on a per barrel basis of
                           It added that the issue of arrest warrants for  output, said the source.
                         “crimes with no witnesses” would be the only   These related not just to general field main-
                         exceptions.                          tenance, but also incorporated the development
                           Aside from these, “Members of Parliament  costs and security of the fields.
                         have no immunity and legal measures may be   These were all billed separately from the
                         taken against them directly [and] courts may  remuneration per barrel fee, were liable for
                         now rule on corruption cases”.       payment by the Iraqi government, and virtually
                           Salih called “on Parliament to adopt this cru-  all of them were highly opaque in their terms
                         cial piece of legislation, in order to curb this per-  of reference. A large proportion of these fees –
                         vasive practice that has plagued our great nation”  which were often at least as great as the headline
                         and presented the draft Corrupt Funds Recovery  per barrel remuneration fee itself – were simply
                         Act to Parliament to fight corruption, recover  appropriated by figures in central and regional
                         stolen funds and hold perpetrators to account.  governments, a practice that was exacerbated as
                           “The draft law seeks to strengthen the powers  so-called Islamic State (IS) increased their activ-
                         of Iraqi nation in order to recover money stolen  ity across the region in 2011.
                         in corrupt deals, to hold corrupt people account-  MEOG estimated at the time that around
                         able and bring them to justice,” he said.  $4bn per year since 2011 disappeared in such a
                           A 2018 investigation by Middle East Oil &  fashion, with slightly less in the preceding years
                         Gas (MEOG) found that graft was one of the rea-  beginning in 2002 when then US President Bush
                         sons behind the withdrawal of US super-major  signed the Iraq War Resolution.™

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