Page 18 - FSUOGM Week 41
P. 18

FSUOGM                                 PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                         FSUOGM

       Nostrum gives up two Kazakh oilfields

        KAZAKHSTAN       STRUGGLING Kazakhstan-focused producer  100,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd)
                         Nostrum Oil & Gas announced on October 8 it  in the space of a few years. Instead, output has
      Nostrum is currently   had disposed of its rights and obligations at the  steadily fallen since then, bottoming out at
      seeking a new CEO.  Darinskoye and Yuzhno-Gremyachenskoye oil-  23,530 boepd in the first half.
                         fields in the pre-Caspian Basin.       The company suffered a $51.1mn pre-tax
                           Nostrum’s licences for the deposits were due  loss in H1 2020, it is saddled with over $1bn
                         to expire on December 31, although the company  in net debt, while its EBITDA came to under
                         decided to relinquish them early to cut costs.  $39mn in the first six months of the year. It
                         Furthermore, Darinskoye’s 5mn barrels of prob-  began defaulting on debt interest payments in
                         able reserves have been downgraded to contin-  late August.
                         gent resources, Nostrum said, while no reserves   Nostrum’s priority now is restructuring its
                         are attributed to Yuzhno-Gremyachenskoye.  debts, slowing the rate of production decline
                           “The company will continue to review its  with well interventions and workovers, and
                         options in relation to the exploration period  trying to monetise its under-utilised process-
                         under the subsoil use contract for the Ros-  ing capacity with third-party supply. It is also
                         toshinskoye field, which is not due to expire until  seeking a new CEO, after the resignation of Kai-
                         August 16, 2022,” Nostrum said.      Uwe Kessel in December last year. Director Kaat
                           Nostrum has had a difficult few years, as a  Van Hecke served as interim CEO until he also
                         result of low oil prices, production setbacks and  stepped down in September and was succeeded
                         the delayed completion of a gas treatment unit.  by executive chairman Atul Gupta, who will
                         As recently as 2017 it was targeting a growth in  continue in the role under a permanent head is
                         production at its flagship Chinarevskoye field to  appointed. ™

       Caspian Sunrise sees output

       dip in September

        KAZAKHSTAN       KAZAKHSTAN-FOCUSED Caspian Sunrise  to explore for oil in the shallow waters of the
                         produced 1,340 barrels per day of oil in Sep-  Caspian Sea, and intended to buy the Caspian
      Caspian hopes to   tember at its onshore MJF structure in western  Explorer drilling rig for this campaign. It said
      close the purchase of   Kazakhstan, it reported on October 12, down  this week it anticipated completing the transac-
      a Caspian drilling rig   from an average of around 1,430 bpd in the first  tion soon.
      soon.              half of the year.                      “No contracts are in place for the future
                            Output was affected by scheduled mainte-  use of the drilling vessel,” Caspian said. “The
                         nance work, however, Caspian said, and for the  company is, however, aware of potential inter-
                         majority of the month averaged 1,620 bpd. A  est in developing fields in the northern Cas-
                         workover at well 141 has been completed, it said,  pian Sea previously drilled using the Caspian
                         and the borehole is expected to resume commer-  Explorer.”
                         cial flow in the “next few days.” Well 144 will be   Caspian Explorer currently belongs to
                         the next one to be worked over.      UAE-registered Prosperity Petroleum, which is
                            The shallow MJF structure is part of Caspian’s  60%-owned by Aibek Oraziman, the eldest son
                         BNG project, which also includes deeper zones  of Caspian’s CEO Kuat Oraziman. Caspian will
                         yet to be brought into production. The deeper  pay for the rig by issuing $25mn in shares to the
                         drilling needed to target these zones is costlier,  Oraziman family, raising their interest in the oil
                         but the rewards are potentially much greater, the  company from 42.9 to 44.2%.
                         company has said. It is currently test-flowing   Many junior explorers in Kazakhstan have
                         these structures.                    been struggling with losses since the sharp
                            Caspian said it was currently removing tub-  decline in oil prices earlier this year. Caspian
                         ing from one of its deep wells, A5, so that the per-  booked a pre-tax loss of $1.4mn for the six
                         forated interval could be further cleared using  months ending June 30, versus a $1.5mn loss a
                         the drillbit. Planned acid treatments have also  year earlier. Its revenues were up 14% at $5mn,
                         been completed at deep wells A6 and A8.  but this was entirely offset by higher administra-
                            The company revealed in January it wanted  tive, sales and financial expenses. ™

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 41   14•October•2020
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