Page 19 - FSUOGM Week 41
P. 19

FSUOGM                                PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                         FSUOGM

       Gazprom reports fourth Kara Sea

       gas find in two years

        RUSSIA           GAZPROM has reported its fourth gas discov-  Rusanovskoye, thought to hold several more
                         ery in the space of two years in the Kara Sea off   trillion cubic metres of gas.
       The find was made at   Russia’s Arctic coast.            Gazprom dispatched the Chinese-built Nan-
       the Leningradskoye   The find was made at the Leningradskoye gas  hai VIII semi-submersible rig from the port of
       field.            field, situated under waters 50-100 metres deep  Murmansk to drill the Leningradskoye well, the
                         off the shore of the Yamal Peninsula. A well sunk  field’s fifth, to a depth of 2,700 metres. The last
                         by Gazprom achieved a daily flow rate of 600,000  borehole at the site was sunk last year.
                         cubic metres, the company said, noting that the   The company is yet to disclose development
                         discovery “significantly increases the field’s  plans for Leningradskoye. The field is situated
                         industrial value.”                   approximately 90 km north from the onshore
                           Leningradskoye’s recoverable reserves are  Kharasaveyskoye field, where Gazprom began
                         already estimated 1.9 trillion cubic metres, mak-  production drilling in June. Kharasaveyskoye is
                         ing it one of Russia’s largest offshore gas deposits.  due on stream in 2023 and will flow 32 bcm per
                         They will be reassessed in light of the new discov-  year of gas at its peak. The gas will be shipped via
                         ery, Gazprom said.                   a 106-km pipeline to Bovanenkovskoye, where
                           Despite weaker market conditions since  it can be pumped in Russia’s main gas grid for
                         2014, Gazprom has continued to explore the  supply to Europe.
                         high-cost offshore Arctic, chalking up several   Gazprom recently started development of
                         successes. Last year it reported two new Kara  its first offshore Arctic gas project, Kamen-
                         Sea discoveries, Dinkova and Nyarmeiskoye,  nomysskoye-More, situated in shallow waters
                         containing 390bn cubic metres and 121 bcm  in the Gulf of Ob, near to shore and existing
                         of recoverable gas respectively. It made another  infrastructure. That field is scheduled for
                         find, 75 Let Pobedy, earlier this year, assessing its  launch in 2025. But the company is holding off
                         resources at 202 bcm.                on developing deeper-sea fields until the mar-
                           Its other major deposit in the area is  ket outlook improves.™

                                                   NEWS IN BRIEF

       RUSSIA                              BCS GM notes, seeing the news as positive   Interfax.
                                           for Gazprom shareholders as long as this   As followed by bne IntelliNews,
       Gazprom mulls issuing               route is not used to materially increase   Transneft's tariffs came under pressure
                                                                                from oil major Rosneft, adding uncertainty
       perpetual bonds                     would partially be accounted as equity   together with the dividend policy.
                                              As the bonds would be perpetual, they
                                                                                  "By extending Transneft’s existing oil
       Russian state-controlled natural gas giant   rather than debt, lowering the company’s   pipeline tariff-setting mechanism for a
       Gazprom is preparing to issue perpetual   official Net Debt/Ebitda ratio and taking the   decade, FAS has removed the risk of a radical
       eurobonds denominated in euros and US   pressure off the leverage and dividends.  reduction in earnings power from a roll-
       dollars, Interfax reported citing the CFO of   bne IntelliNews reported that Gazprom’s   back in pipeline charges (as requested by
       the company, Famil Sadygov.         new dividend policy is sensitive to leverage,   Rosneft)," BCS Global Markets commented
         The issue by Gazprom of an undisclosed   as should Net Debt/Ebitda ratio exceed 2.5x,   on October 7, seeing the news as positive.
       amount would seek to take advantage of low   the management has the option to ignore the   While BCS GM never expected Rosneft’s
       financing rates on global debt markets at this   targeted payout ratio.  suggestion to be implemented in full, the
       time, according to Sadygov. The issue would                              company is a powerful lobbyist, and even a
       be an addition to the previously announced                               partial roll-back could have had significant
       issue of RUB150bn ($1.92bn) of ruble-  Tariffs of Russian pipeline       implications for Transneft’s earnings and
       denominated perpetual bonds to finance                                   dividend-paying power, the analysts argue.
       regional gasification.              operator Transneft extended            As for the dividends, most recently
         The yields could be tied to Russia’s                                   Transneft delivered a positive surprise by
       sovereign rates, with the initial spread   for 10 years                  recommending the payment of a RUB11,612
       to expand by 25bp in 10.25 years and by                                  ($150) dividend per share for 2019, in line
       100bp in 25.25 years, BCS Global Market   The Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) has   with the 50% net profit guidance previously
       commented on October 7.             extended the tariff structure of Russian state-  outlined by the government.
         "By issuing perpetual bonds, Gazprom   controlled pipeline operator Transneft for 10   However, the net profit of the pipeline
       can both lower borrowing costs and improve   years, reiterating the policy of the "inflation   operator dropped 76% year on year and
       its official leverage ratio at the same time,"   - 0.1%" indexation scheme, according to   quarter on quarter in 2Q20 under IFRS, as a

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