Page 13 - MEOG Week 01 2023
P. 13

MEOG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             MEOG

         The news service reported that British   both Borealis and Borouge, bolstering its   by 13.5 per cent to reach 283.534 million
       insurer Lloyds Marine sent out a warning   footprint in the chemicals sector, enabling   barrels, while the production of condensates
       to its clients revealing the alleged scheme   synergies and unlocking significant growth   dropped by 2 per cent till the end of
       running through Venezuela. Iranian proxy   opportunities across its broader chemicals   November 2022.
       Hezbollah holds sway over the politics of   portfolio, in particular at Borouge. The   The average price of Oman’s crude
       eastern Mediterranean country Lebanon.  transaction marks the next major milestone   oil surged by 52.7 per cent by the end of
         The warning, given in an internal   for ADNOC as it accelerates its ambitious   November 2022 to reach $95.8 per barrel
       document dating from October 28, headed   domestic and international chemicals growth   compared to $62.77 per barrel by the end of
       “Illegal trade and transfer of gold and Iranian   strategy and also aligns with Mubadala’s long-  November 2021.
       oil,” was said to state that Iran’s Islamic   term investment strategy.    Oman’s total exports of oil increased by
       Revolutionary Guard Corps’ (IRGC’s)    Commenting on the transaction, His   12.7 per cent by the end of November 2022
       expeditionary force, Quds Force, was   Excellency Dr. Sultan Al Jaber, UAE Minister   to stand at 293,944,600 barrels compared to
       “facilitating the sale of Iranian oil” to a Latin   of Industry and Advanced Technology and   260,804,100 barrels during the corresponding
       American country and receiving gold as   ADNOC Managing Director and Group   period in 2021.
       payment, which was then allegedly sent to   CEO said: “Building on the strong bilateral   Oman’s oil exports to Japan surged by
       Hezbollah in Lebanon.               ties between the UAE and Austria, and   215.9 per cent to stand at 10,695,200 barrels
         Lloyds Marine added in its claim that   our long-standing partnership with OMV,   by the end of November 2022 compared to
       flights from Caracas to Tehran using Iran’s   ADNOC is delighted to be acquiring a 24.9%   3,385,700 barrels by the end of November
       Mahan Air were being used to transport the   stake in OMV. As we continue to meet the   2021. Oil exports to the Republic of Korea also
       gold. Mahan Air is a private airline associated   growing global demand for lower carbon   rose by 92.8 per cent to stand at 12,621,100
       with the IRGC and under US sanctions for   energy, we are fast-tracking the delivery of our   barrels compared to 6,547,800 barrels by the
       alleged instances of weapons transported on   growth strategy and expanding our footprint   end of November 2021.
       some of its planes.                 across key strategic markets and sectors.   Gas production (including imports) in
       BNE                                 This milestone transaction, alongside our   Oman registered a growth of 2.3 per cent to
                                           25% shareholding in Borealis, is testament   reach 47,113.1 million cubic metres.
                                           to our focused investment in building an   Consumption of natural gas increased by
       COMPANIES                           integrated chemicals platform to accelerate   12.5 per cent in industrial areas and 7.5 per
                                           our ambitious growth strategy that will unlock  cent in industrial projects. Meanwhile, natural
       ADNOC acquires 24.9%                significant growth opportunities across our   gas consumption declined by 7 per cent in
                                                                                oil fields and 1.8 per cent in electricity power
                                           broader chemicals portfolio, with a particular
       stake in OMV                        focus on creating distinctive value for Borouge  plants.
                                           and its shareholders.”
                                                                                TIMES OF OMAN
       Abu Dhabi National Oil Company      ADNOC
       (ADNOC) and Mubadala Investment Co.                                      Iran beats record in
       have announced a transaction involving
       OMV, a global energy and chemicals group,   OIL                          exporting oil, gas
       headquartered and listed in Vienna, Austria.
       Under the agreement, ADNOC will acquire a   Oman’s oil, condensate       condensate
       24.9% shareholding in OMV from Mubadala.
       Financial details of the transaction are not   production rises by 10%   The spokesman for the Iranian Government
       being disclosed.                                                         reported on Tuesday that the country has set a
         Upon completion of the transaction,   The Sultanate of Oman’s production of crude   record in its export of oil and gas condensate
       which is subject to certain closing conditions   oil and condensates recorded a rise by 10 per   in the recent month after the onset of the
       and regulatory approvals, ADNOC will own   cent till the end of November 2022 to stand at   new round of sanctions against the country
       24.9% of OMV, Osterreichische Beteiligungs,   355,473,100 barrels compared to 323,174,600   four years ago, adding that the country has
       an Austrian independent holding company,   barrels during the corresponding period in   witnessed a decrease in growth of liquidity to
       holding  31.5%, with the remaining share   2021, according to the latest data issued by the   34.3 percent, trend reports citing IRNA.
       capital in free float. Through this investment   National Centre for Statistics and Information   Ali Bahadori Jahromi made the remarks at
       in OMV, who hold a 75% stake in Borealis,   (NCSI).                      his weekly press briefing in Tehran.
       ADNOC will increase its shareholdings in   Separately, crude oil production increased   A decrease in the growth of liquidity is an

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