Page 14 - MEOG Week 01 2023
P. 14

MEOG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              MEOG

       indication of the country’s success in bringing   of gas condensates has been produced in the   and its subsidiaries will continue with about
       inflation under control, Bahadori Jahromi   refinery.”                   13 local and foreign companies, some of
       noted.                                 Pointing out that the South Pars Gas   which are listed and others operational in
         The spokesman went on to say that the   Complex has been able to play a very effective   various sectors of petrochemicals and support
       60 percent growth in foreign income was   and constructive role in the country’s   services for oil and gas production, with a
       achieved during the first ten months of the   economy, he added: “Considering the cold   value of KD 738.5 million.
       Iranian calendar year (starting on March 21,   season and peak gas consumption and the   KPC monitors these investments in a
       2022).                              country’s need for maximum and sustainable   manner of ownership rights. KPC directly
         The government spares no effort to foil   gas production with the cooperation and   or indirectly owns a stake in the capital of
       the sanctions and take measures to remove   round-the-clock efforts of employees and   those companies that does not exceed 49.9
       them, he said adding that the government will   specialists, the refinery has processed more   percent, and whose headquarters are located
       not tie the country’s economy to the issue of   than 12 million cubic meters of gas in the last   inside and outside Kuwait. The data showed
       sanctions.                          9 months.”                           that KPC’s largest investment is in SK Peak in
         As he stressed, the key to removing the   The director of the 10th Refinery of   South Korea at a value of KD 148.8 million,
       problems is inside the country.     the South Pars Gas Complex, referring   and then a stake in SK Advance at a value of
         Once, Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi said   to the knowledge and ability of Iranian   KD 40.6 million, which is the acquisition deal
       that he would not tie people’s livelihoods   manufacturers and knowledge-based   carried out by the Petrochemical Industries
       to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action   companies, stated: “In the shadow of   Company to acquire 49 percent of the existing
       (JCPOA).                            very good and constructive interaction   specialized petrochemical plants that are
       MENAFN                              and cooperation with knowledge-based   owned by the Korean company SKC.
                                           companies and domestic parts and equipment   KPC’s contribution to Al-Oula Fuel
                                           manufacturers, achievements and increase in   Company and Al-Soor Company for Local
       GAS                                 good production in the gas and by-products   Fuel Marketing is 24 percent for each
                                           sector have been garnered.”          company, amounting to KD 17.1 million for
       South Pars Phase 19 flaring         production of other products of the 10th   Al-Oula Company and KD 16.4 million for
                                              Nemati pointed to the amount of
                                                                                Al-Soor Company. The investments of the
       lowered dramatically                refinery in the last 9 months of this year, and   Kuwaiti Company for Excavations amounted
                                           announced: “In the 9 months of the year,
                                                                                to 49 percent, with a value of KD 47.3 million,
       The director of the 10th Refinery of the   194,000 tonnes of ethane, 268,000 tonnes of   and the investments of the Kuwaiti-Yemeni
       South Pars Gas Complex said by carrying out   propane, 215,000 tonnes of butane and 62,000   Company (Aden) amounted to KD 12,700.
       repairs of critical equipment at the refinery,   tonnes of sulphur have been produced in the   KPC has a 33.3 percent stake in the Gulf
       a stunning reduction in the gases sent to the   10th refinery of South Pars.”  Petrochemical Industries Company at a value
       flare stacks has happened in the refinery.  SHANA                        of KD 52.22 million.
         According to South Pars Gas Complex,                                     As for the investments in EQUATE
       Mohammad Nemati, while announcing                                        Company, which amounts to 42.5 percent,
       production of more than 13 million barrels   SERVICES                    the value is about KD 79.2 million. In the
       of gas condensate from the beginning of                                  Equate Marketing Company in Bahrain, the
       the current Iranian calendar year on March   KPC to continue investing   value of the KPC investment in it is estimated
       21 at the 19th phase of the massive South                                at KD 87,100. The data also showed that the
       Pars gas field, stated: “With the efforts and   with 13 local, foreign   investments of the Kuwait National Petroleum
       significant and innovative measures of the                               Company amounted to KD 50.8 million, and
       specialists and employees of the economic   companies                    the investments of KBC Holdings (Europe)
       front of the 10th South Pars Refinery, from the                          amounted to KD 211.5 million.
       beginning of this [calendar] year to the end of   According to financial data obtained by Al-  ARAB NEWS
       November 21, more than 13 million barrels   Anba daily, Kuwait Petroleum Corp. (KPC)

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