Page 6 - LatAmOil Week 23 2022
P. 6

LatAmOil                                          MEXICO                                            LatAmOil

       AMLO expects a deal with

       Talos on Zama oilfield soon

                         MEXICAN President Andres Manuel Lopez   appointed Pemex as the operator of the unitised
                         Obrador said on June 3 that his government   sites, earlier this year. Talos then confirmed that
                         was on track to strike a deal with the US com-  it had received the Unitisation Resolution (UR),
                         pany Talos Energy on unitisation of the Zama   an official notice of this merger, in late March
                         oilfield with a neighbouring site controlled by   The UR calls for Talos to retain a participat-
                         the national oil company (NOC) Pemex in the   ing interest of 17.35% in the Zama field. It also
                         near future.                         provides for the working partners in the project
                           Speaking at his daily press conference in   to draw up and submit for approval a unit devel-
                         Mexico City, Lopez Obrador said the two sides   opment plan within the next six to 12 months,
                         had nearly wrapped up negotiations on the mat-  with the aim of reaching the final investment
                         ter. Talos appears to be ready to accept the Mexi-  decision (FID) stage sometime in 2023. Talos
                         can government’s terms for merging Block 7, the   said in late March that it would take part in the
                         licence area that contains Zama, with Pemex’s   activities related to making the FID, while also
                         acreage, he told reporters.          evaluating its legal and strategic options.
                           “It looks like an agreement is being reached.   The US company discovered Zama, which is
                         I myself told the [US] company’s manager that   believed to hold at least 700mn barrels of oil in
                         their investments are guaranteed,” he said.  recoverable reserves, at Block 7 in 2017. At the
                           He did not disclose the terms of the offer that   time, it was working at the site in a consortium
                         Mexican authorities had made to Talos or say   with Wintershall Dea (Germany) and Premier
                         when the parties hoped to finalise the deal.  Oil (UK). Equity in the project was split 35% to
                                                              Talos,40% to Wintershall and 25% to Premier,
                         Talos’ response                      which retained its stake in the field following its
                         The US-based firm, for its part, said in a state-  merger with Chrysaor Holdings, another British
                         ment published later on June 3 that it hoped to   company, into a new company known as Har-
                         reach an agreement with Pemex that “respects   bour Energy.
                         the rule of law.” It did not comment directly on   Following  the  discovery,  SENER  began
                         the Mexican president’s remarks but said its aim   claiming that Zama was part of a larger reser-
                         was to strike a deal that was mutually beneficial   voir that extended into a neighbouring block. It
                         for all of the parties involved and that could   instructed Pemex and Talos to negotiate a uni-
                         help ensure that the Zama field was developed   tisation agreement, citing studies showing that
                         successfully.                        the Asab, Chamak and Naquita fields at Uchukil
                           Talos has been contesting Mexico City’s   0152 were part of the same reservoir discovered
                         decision in favour of unitisation, to the point of   at Zama. According to Mexican officials, those
                         pursuing an arbitration claim against the Mexi-  studies showed all the fields to be part of a sin-
                         can government. Last month, however, it put its   gle reservoir that lay mostly within the block
                         case on hold and resumed talks with Mexican   assigned to Pemex.
                         authorities on the project, according to a report   Talos repeatedly raised objections to SEN-
                         from Reuters.                        ER’s position, citing Pemex’s repeated failures to
                           Mexico’s Energy Secretariat (SENER) for-  carry out exploration drilling at Uchukil 0152
                         mally merged Block 7 with Uchukil 0152,   and other problems. Nevertheless, its efforts did
                         the adjacent block assigned to Pemex, and   not gain any ground in Mexico City. ™

                                      Zama lies within a shallow-water section of the southern Gulf of Mexico (Image: Talos Energy)

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