Page 6 - DMEA Week 45 2022
P. 6

DMEA                                      SECURITY & POLICY                                            DMEA

       Iraq’s new government

       outlines its programme

           MIDDLE EAST   IRAQ’S parliament recently approved the for-  “missing political balance,” as noted by leader
                         mation of a new government and highlighted   of the National Wisdom Movement Ammar
                         the appointment of Hayan Abdulghani as the   al-Hakim, one of the most prominent leaders of
                         country’s new Oil Minister.          the Co-ordination Framework and supporters
                           The new government has set out its stall with   of Sudani.
                         a 29-page ministerial programme which was   But the biggest challenge lies in how to
                         put to a vote and received more than 250 of 329   amend the electoral law, especially the mecha-
                         parliamentarians’ approval; yet Prime Minister   nisms of agreement on the “distribution of dis-
                         Mohammed Shia al-Sudani faces many chal-  tricts,” “the vote counting mechanism” and “the
                         lenges and constituencies to move his agenda.  Elections Commission,” which were subjects
                           Mohammed Shia al-Sudani previously   of contention in the previous elections, as the
                         served as the country’s human rights minister   Co-ordination Framework accused the previous
                         as well as Minister of Labour and Social Affairs.   government of managing the elections in a way
                         He has vowed to reform the economy, fight cor-  that favoured Sadr, whose movement won the
                         ruption, improve deteriorating public services   largest number of seats.
                         and to combat poverty and unemployment.   Sadr currently lacks any parliamentary rep-
                         In presenting his government’s programme,   resentation to take part in the drafting of the
                         Sudani did not introduce any major change   new electoral law, and he rejects any form of
                         in the general policies drawn by the ministe-  “dialogue” with the Co-ordination Framework
                         rial programme of his predecessor, Mustafa   to begin with. If Sudani’s government proceeds
                         al-Kadhimi.                          with drafting an election law that would deal a
                           This is despite the fact that over the past cou-  blow to Sadr, then Sadr could be prompted to
                         ple of months, Sudani harshly criticised al-Ka-  return to the streets.
                         dhimi and his government over policies related
                         to foreign relations and regional and interna-  Double-edged sword
                         tional co-operation, among other issues.  Sudani’s anti-corruption campaign of “build-
                           Sudani has one advantage in trying to roll   ing effective tools to fight corruption within a
                         out his programme – namely, the broad parlia-  maximum period of 90 days from the date of
                         mentary cover that his government enjoys, as it   formation of the government,” as he promised,
                         is the fruit of the “state administration coalition”   is actually a double-edged sword.
                         formed by the Coordination Framework, which   This is everyone’s demand both inside and
                         is a political alliance between Shiite groups and   outside Iraq, and it forces Sudani to engage in
                         military parties loyal to Iran with about 140 par-  very harsh confrontations, some of which might
                         liamentary seats.                    be against his own supporters. This raises the
                           However, it eventually adopted the quota   question as to whether Sudani will be ready to
                         approach among the participating parties, which   engage in a confrontation at a time when he has
                         could end up blocking any major initiatives.  to be very cautious toward Sadr and his current
                         Early elections                        Of  note,  al-Kadhimi’s  government  also
                         The most important point in Sudani’s ministe-  focused on the fight against corruption, as it
                         rial programme is the emphasis on holding early   formed a special committee in this regard.
                         elections within a year and the amendment of   While the committee managed to make some
                         the Parliamentary Elections Law within three   progress, it faced great pressure, which led to its
                         months, thereby conveying a positive message to   subsequent dissolution by the judiciary.
                         the leader of the Sadrist movement, Shiite cleric   Sudani’s proposals in terms of creating job
                         Muqtada al-Sadr, who has withdrawn from the   opportunities for the youth may collide with the
                         political process.                   complex economic reality and the need, ulti-
                           In other words, Sudani’s government could   mately, for radical reforms in Iraq.
                         be another short-term government just like the   The Iraqi economy is highly dependent on
                         previous one, which was formed with the sole   the state and its financial resources amid very
                         aim of achieving specific goals, most notably   little private sector contribution. Al-Kadhimi’s
                         holding early parliamentary elections.  government had previously adopted an eco-
                           Accepting Sadr’s demand to hold early elec-  nomic reform programme dubbed the “white
                         tions once again is aimed at reassuring him   paper.” It relied on privatisation, foreign invest-
                         that “there is no intention to exclude him,” and   ments, as well as greater state revenues through
                         on the other, it is aimed at reproducing the   taxes and administrative reforms.

                              Turkey and Libya signed a maritime border agreement in 2019 (Image:
       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 45   10•November•2022
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