Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 49 2022
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

                                                                                of agreements with Coterra Energy and
                                                                                Dominion Energy Virginia establishing the
                                                                                industry’s first next generation natural gas
                                                                                certification process across all segments of
                                                                                the value chain from production through
                                                                                gathering and transmission with deliveries
                                                                                through 2023. Williams is leveraging block-
       benefits of delivering safe, low-cost, reliable   MOVES                  chain secured technology via Context
       and emissions-reducing water solutions at                                Labs’ Decarbonization as a Service (DaaS)
       scale. In Oklahoma alone, we have collectively   HNRC updates shareholders   platform to track and measure end-to-end
       prevented over 200mn barrels of water from                               emissions through the aggregation and
       being trucked, preserved 30mn barrels of   on dividend                   reconciliation of multiple sources of data to
       freshwater from industrial use, and reduced                              provide a path-specific methane intensity
       the carbon footprint of the supply chain by   Houston Natural Resources Corp. (HNRC)   certification that meets or exceeds industry
       more than 50,000 metric tons of carbon – all   confirmed today that it will spin off its non-  leading measurement protocols. KPMG LLP
       while reducing our customers’ water costs by   energy assets to its wholly owned subsidiary   will perform third-party verification of the
       30-50% on average. These numbers improve   Worldwide Diversified Holdings and then   methane intensity certification and low-
       dramatically when you consider the entire   dividend them to its shareholders.  emission attributes of next gen natural gas.
       water midstream industry at large. It is a   The dividend will be a stock dividend of   “Williams is proud to launch the industry’s
       remarkable achievement by a sector that does   common shares of Worldwide Diversified   first comprehensive next gen natural gas
       not get enough credit for bringing innovative   Holdings, Inc (WDHI). The dividend date   platform to bring greater trust, transparency
       solutions to the vital US oil and gas industry.   is for shareholders of record on December   and transactability to the certified gas market,”
       Bison is proud to be a part of it.”  16, 2022, and the anticipated payment date   said Chad Zamarin, senior vice president
       BISON WATER MIDSTREAM, December 05,   is December 30, 2022, subject to an effective   of corporate strategic development for
       2022                                registration statement.              Williams. “As we look to a low-carbon energy
                                              The transaction will provide for a stock   future, Williams is committed to leading our
                                           dividend of $1.75 of WDHI shares for every   industry with credible solutions to benefit our
       SERVICES                            one share of HNRC held by the shareholder   customers and their sustainability goals.”
                                           on the record date.                    “Coterra is pleased to partner with
       ProFrac Holding to acquire          that, effective June 30, 2022, the board of   Williams in deploying this exciting new
                                              The company has previously announced
                                                                                technology which has the potential to change
       Eagle Ford sand mine                directors has approved the transfer of the   how we measure and report emissions data,”
                                           non-energy investments of $53,307,324 in
                                                                                said Blake Sirgo, senior vice president of
       ProFrac Holding today announced that it has   exchange for common shares of Worldwide   operations for Coterra Energy. “We remain
       entered into a definitive agreement to acquire   Diversified Holdings, Inc (WDHI). The   focused on being an environmental leader
       the Eagle Ford sand mining operations of   company received the requisite stockholder   and we are optimistic that this reference
       Monarch Silica. The transaction is expected to   approval granting the board of directors the   implementation will further aid Coterra in
       close by the end of 2022.           authority to affect the transfer of the assets   our ongoing efforts to reduce our emissions
         Matt Wilks, ProFrac’s executive chairman,   and approve the dividend to the shareholders.   by developing, adopting and implementing
       commented, “We are pleased to add the   The transaction is proposed to be a non-  innovative technologies and practices.”
       Monarch mine to the growing portfolio of in-  taxable spin off, meeting the business purpose   “Our partnership with Williams and
       basin sand mines we operate through Alpine   of separating the company’s non-energy   Coterra is another important step in reducing
       Silica. This transaction further demonstrates   assets.                  emissions across the entire natural gas
       ProFrac’s commitment to its vertical   HOUSTON NATURAL RESOURCES CORP.,   value chain,” said Cedric Green, senior vice
       integration strategy, providing the Company   December 07, 2022          president of power generation for Dominion
       with access to high-quality, local proppant in                           Energy Virginia. “Certified, low-emissions
       the Eagle Ford, where we currently operate                               natural gas is a vital part of achieving our goal
       8 active fleets. With Monarch’s production   ENERGY TRANSITION           of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
       capacity expected to expand to nearly 4mn                                We look forward to continuing this and other
       tons per year by Q1 2023, ProFrac will be   Williams executes            innovative partnerships to deliver affordable,
       well positioned to bundle internally sourced                             reliable and clean energy to the customers we
       proppant across our active fleets in the   agreements with Coterra       serve.”
       region.”                                                                 WILLIAMS, December 08, 2022
         Winston & Strawn is acting as ProFrac’s   and Dominion Energy for
       legal counsel on the transaction. Piper Sandler
       & Co. served as exclusive financial advisor to   delivery of full-value chain
       Monarch, and Chamberlain, Hrdlicka, White,
       Williams & Aughtry, is serving as Monarch’s   certified low emission next
       legal counsel.
       PROFRAC HOLDING, December 05, 2022  gen gas
                                           Williams today announced the execution

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